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Chans pov

Five hours after and everyone is still in a panic about jisung, who is currently napping in his room.

" jeongin, was there anything specific that happened before that could've lead him to throw up all over the bathroom?" I asked " we aren't mad we just want to make sure hes okay"

" hes fine. Just scared, incapable of breathing because be got a tighter binder, plus he was already light headed in the car" the younger explained

" I'm sorry, binder?" Minho furrowed his brows

" did it not tell you this in the files?" He asked we shook our heads " well then, jisungs trans. Which is a useful peice of information if you want to help him"

" oh so jisung...we need period products " minho began pacing around " he still has periods right?"

" yeah" Jeongin nodded

" okay, we need pads, tampons those weird cup things. All of it so we know which one hes most comfortable with.  " minho thought out loud " and chocolate, we need chocolate. And medication, what makes period cramps stop.....OH! HOT WATER BOTTLES"

" baby, calm down.  We will get him his period products closer to the time" I pulled him closer to me and kissed the back of his hand " anything else we need to know jeongin?"

" nah I think that and whats in the file is all you need" the younger replied " don't make a big fuss about the trans thing though..its a sensitive topic for him. His mom wasn't supportive "

" okay, thank you for telling us that though " I thanked him

" no problem " he smiled slightly

" guys , I think it's time you go to bed. Its getting late " minho walked over to the boys who were sat on the couch watching tv

" aw, cmon that's so boring. Its only 11" whined hyunjin

" yknow what else is boring?" Minho chuckled,  they all shrugged " being tired all day. Cmon, off to bed."

" mooommmm" seungmin slumped back into the couch "noooo"

" seeeuuuunnggggmmmmiiinnn, yeessss" he imitated with a laugh "cmon, I'll carry you there if I have too"

" that's mean" felix replied " we just wanna have some fun"

" you can have some fun sleeping,  actually. You come here you little baby" he suddenly picked up felix so his arms were around his knees and felix was flopped over his back

" hey!" Felix laughed trying to punch minho so he would put him down " get ur ass out of my face!"

The others were laughing so hard it looked like it hurt as minho walked felix upstairs and to his bedroom , Felix's "put me down"s and "you're so mean"s could still be heard as they fell out of view.

" alright, lets go before he gets us to" seungmin spoke still trying to gain composure and not fall into another laughing fit.

" how does minho always get his own way?" Hyunjin asked with a laugh

" because" I shrugged "he just does"

" that makes no sense" changbin replied

" alright! Whose next?" minho trudged his way down the stairs "cmon chan, help me out here"

I smirked and lunged for seungmin picking him up the same way minho picked up felix

"Dad!" He squealed

Hyunjin and changbin darted, changbin managed to get to his room and close the door behind him while minho got hyunjin as he attempted to pass him

" where'd jeongin go? I swear once I'm done with this one I'm gonna find you mr maknae" minho laughed evily before we carried the both upstairs

" daaddd" seungmin whined "put me down ...i-i need to.....change?"

" liar" I giggled "you're already in your pjs and you've already brushed your teeth. You all have"

" please" he punched my legs slightly " lemme gooooo"

" noooo" I replied then opening his bedroom door and then walked him to his bed. Opening the covers then placing him onto the mattress before pulling the covers back over him " you dont need to tuck me in dad I'm 17" he whined

" well you're acting like a big baby right now bug" I prodded his stomach playfully knowing I would get a reaction from him before I tucked him in properly "hey, bug. If you have another nightmare, dont be afraid to wake us up."

" I wont be, night dad" he smiled lightly

" night bug" I ruffled his hair before exiting the room and turning off the light as I went

Minhos pov

I carefully tucked hyunjin into bed then running my fingers through his long hair

" night hun" I smiled

" night " he replied, looking slightly down

" what's up? Annoyed you couldn't Finnish your episode?" I asked , slightly teasing the younger

"No...but, uhm" he gulped nervously " seungmin does can-can you and chan,  m-mum and dad"

" oh sweetie, of course you can" I replied " me and chan are honoured that any of you view us in that way. We wont turn it down. Yknow, when we first got together . Ten years ago now, almost eleven. We always wanted marriage and kids. We just have been too busy with studies and qualifications up until this point. But you guys, are just a mirical in it's own. The fact that you and seungmin already see us as mum and dad material on top of that? Is like the gods have blessed us"

" m....m-mom" he looked at me with doey eyes, I hummed "can I have a cuddle? I've really needed one lately"

" of course jinnie" I crawled beside him " only for a minute though, I've got to get jeongin in bed"

" I'm pretty sure he snuck into his room while you were getting felix" hyunjin replied

" oh , theres that problem solved then. But still I do have alot to talk about with chan, so five minutes. Okay?" I hummed

" can it be ten?" He requested

" okay hun. Anything that makes you feel better"

And so the ten minutes started , we just laid there . Me holding him in my arms while he occasionally told me about anything that was bothering him.

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