twenty two

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Minhos pov

Changbin hyunjin and felix had taken the cooking over for a bit while I argued with their modern language, aka their English teacher. Mr.son , he was a persistent asshole and wouldn't listen to a word I was saying which only filled me with more rage than I've ever experienced

" you listen here you little shit!" I whisper yelled as to not trigger any of the kids " his name is han jisung. I dont care if you dont believe in trans people. Call my son by his name before I come down that school and get you fired. I have the money, I have the qualifications. I will do anything. His name is not jieun, he does not go by she/her pronouns. Now respect my son and do your fucking job , teach my children how to speak English. Its so fucking simple and you cant even do it! You incompetent imbosile! No?! You dont get to say n-"

Chan snatched the phone from my hand,  holding it so tight he looked as if he could break it "you're going to listen to me and you're going to follow everything I say, got it?" His voice was filled with anger but his face was calm, he scared me when he was mad " you are going to call my son by the only name you've ever known him by, Jisung, you're going to teach them how to speak English and you're going to ignore the fact that hes trans. That means no comments about his period, about If you can see his binder or bra, nothing. If I hear another word about you being abusive in language or in any other way towards my boy. I will come down there and you will face me in person. Understand?" He went silent for a moment " good." He hung up and put the phone down " fucking asshole"

He walked into the kitchen, quickly replacing his anger with a smile. I followed.

I smiled happily at the sight of all the boys helping eachother cook, what was originally just three was now six and they all looked so happy together. I took out my phone and took a picture, favouring it

" agh!" Jeongin screamed "hyunjin!"

He ran away from the boy who had just squirted soy sauce in his mouth. Hyunjin was cackling while the others focused or stared at the two chasing eachother around

" okay, okay" chan chuckled, taking the soy sauce from hyunjins hands " calm down you two. My parents will be here in only an hour"

" Are they nice?" Jeongin asked, almost nervously " I dont have a good history with, family that aren't just my parents "

" I know fox" I said softly " they're nice" I nodded, not entirely being truthful

" mom" seungmin piped up, I looked his way " you said earlier that they didn't like you to ,me binnie and lixie"

" that doesn't mean they arent nice to other people" I sighed "I'm sure they'll be great to you "

" I dont like them if they dont like mum" jisung replied

" agreed" hyunjin nodded

" Same" jeongin agreed, soon followed by everyone

" guys, these are chans parents. Give them a chance, you cant not like them purely because I'm not their favourite " I reasoned with the teens

" fine...only for dad though " felix nodded his head, chan looked taken aback. Felix had not called either of us yet, of course we didn't mind but having if sprung on us in the middle of no where? the others started at emotional times when they really needed that parental figure. Maybe felix isnt doing so good? I'll talk to him later

" thanks chick" I pecked the top of his head before starting to help them with fhe cooking, assuring each and every one of them was safe. Not cutting themselves, using gloves for what they needed to wear gloves for, not burning themselves on boiling water. All of that.

Chan was doing the same, primarily checking on changbin. Hes been much more defensive of the eldest since he cut himself. Hes so caring I dont think he can move past it, that's why I love him though. He cares about the people he loves , especially our kids

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