Too much.


Too much.


I notice that Li stoped eating. Her hands are shaky, her eyes wandering from on point to another and her breathing goes faster. Everything is too much for her. It triggers in her something.

I should have known. Why did I forget this?

She has ADHD and this situation at the moment, is too much for her. She always needs something for focusing, for distracting, but here are too many noises and happening at the same time.

Luckily till now, nobody from our family notice anything but I know that it's only a matter of time until they know. Have to know. ADHD isn't nothing you can just ignore. Especially as family member.

There are different forms from ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Some have a higher factor of the Attention Deficit, some of the Hyperactivity and some have a very high impulsivity. Li has unfortunately from everything a high quote.

The hyperactivity cannot be overlooked. She has to do something all the time, like at the moment bouncing her leg up and down.

The attention deficit is a bit difficult to notice but at the moment, that's the reason why this situation is too much for her. Too many different noises and sights happen that she doesn't know on what she should focus on.

I think I don't have the need to explain the impulsivity. She has it and she knows. Li can control it and use it often for her advantage. Which is likely the only positive thing about ADHD.

Her state at the moment gets worse and worse. That's the reason why we normally don't go in restaurants and prefer to just eat at home on a comfy couch with a good film to watch - even if watching a film with Li is everything than chilling.

I take her hand, which she rubs aggressive on her thighs, in my hands. Trying to comfort her that way even if I don't see an improvement. She sighs deeply and says shakily in a low voice. "It's too much, Nic. Can we go?" And my heart breaks. That's the real side of Li. A broken and feared girl. I don't want her to be in such state.

"To where?" - I asks because of my curiousness of what she would say. And maybe also to distract her a bit.


It isn't the right moment for jocks and she is obviously in a bad state so I didn't hesitate long and pull out our earphones. She always listen to music if everything is too much. This way, she can focus on something and calms herself down.

I plug them her in and she starts on her clock one of our songs. Her shoulders relax instantly and her whole body seems not so tensed anymore.

"Better?" - I asks her and she nods for me visible happier again. Luckily with our earphones in you are still able to hear your surrounding and if you really want complete silent you can just 'mute' yourself, so you are in your own little bubble which is sometimes the only thing you need.

I, equal to Li, continue eating. I have to admin that this pasta is really good. Not too sharp but also not too less. Such perfect. How I love it.

"We don't tolerate electronic devices on the table." - Ernesto says sharply and out of any glue. Can he just mind his fucking own business. Gosh this dude drives me crazy. Ever thought about the reason behind this action? It always could be diabetes or some other important medical reason. Dumbass. Really. And he should be a mafia don? A pathetic one, for sure.

I stop eating - again equal to Li - and stare at him blankly. We both do. Being in the best mood of making our position clear, we continue staring while changing our just blank faces with our business mask.

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