Not the only new comer in the town

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Alisha was not paying attention to her seatmate rather she was busy absorbing everything what the teacher was telling and she was reading, teacher gave them last ten minutes to ask doubts in which Alisha raised her hand.

The teacher noticed it and  asked "Yes miss Mehra"
"Teacher you can call me Alisha, if you want but what you said will do. I just wanted to ask you that which book or journal should I refer to so to know the previous years course and also the upcoming year course? "

Teacher smiled at her for a moment and asked her to refer some books just when the bell rang and all rushed to eat their lunch but Alisha was Alisha she waited for the class to be rather empty then to rush as it will not do anywell.

Jasper too was beside her as he didn't want to get up from beside this little human.
Once all went out Alisha turned to him as she was sitting on window side and called out "Excuse me Mr Jasper Cullen can you give me a way to go out " which woke Jasper from his thoughts and he gave her space to go from. The girl thanked him and walked away as if she was in garden calm and relaxed.

And Jasper felt like he just lost all of peace and his world was again filled with raged emotions and loud desires of humans.

As Alisha reached the canteen she chooses a far off place away from crowd took her lunch box out of her bag and also hand sanitizer and tissues to clean her hand and joined her hands to pray in a low her mind "Hey matrbhumi hey jagdeshwar bhojan see purv Parnaam tujhe iss bhojan se bal bhudhi mile dedo esa wardan hume ,Om Shanti shanti shanti" and then she said "hey parbhu indano ko jo hum tere bhalai se lene par hai Ashish de khirsth humare parubh ke Damara, Amen"

This was heard by Edward who just entered with his brother's and sister's in the canteen. He looked at her and was surprised, she was eating  her lunch gracefully and calmly and was enjoying it, he didn't knew but he kind of felt it was from somewhere around the world.

Emmett had already seen the girl and signed towards her to his mate Rosalie whereas Jasper too  noticed her. Only the short black haired girl Alice was busy hopping here and there to show her excitement and was not aware of the girl. They sat at a corner not far from the girl.

Suddenly group of five people saw that the girl was eating with her hands but it didn't look like it was something gross. While Edward was also reading her thoughts to which he smiled"lovely lovely chapattis and vegetables curry of gram and potatoes, oh good really it is really heaven, and what should I say about this flavourful rayata and gulabjamun with jalebi and a kajukatli,  nice- nice, very nice this is the true joy of life eating"Her expression was that of satisfaction and contentment.

The thoughts of girl also continued "Food here in USA is so bland and just junks don't they know the concept of home made healthy food and also about  how to cook vegetables, they just use edible veges as raw salads, what a waste of time and food "she continued eating without care where as Edward was busy listening to her think that and jasper was basking in the emotions she was release.

After finishing her lunch she packed her lunch box  and rushed to washroom to wash her hand and at the same time Emmett signalled his mate Rosalie and both stood up and  went towards the washroom after throwing both of their untouched plate of food.

The girl came out just after washing her hands and face and was drying it with  her napkin ,when she bumped into someone. When she looked up she  was met with a beautiful pair of eyes and a beautiful face, she has never seen an American so beautiful, yet so unique and next to her was her partner, the human wall.

The young girl apologized in a low voice and wanted to pass by when she heard "Hello, I am Rosalie and this is Emmett and you? "

The girl nodded in understanding and said "Hello it's nice to meet you, I am Alisha from India "and smiled cutely.

It was that moment Rosalie knew what was Emmett was feeling, the bond of love and not of soulmate but soul child, this little girl was their daughter by everything but blood. Her eyes lit up and she with a tiny smile brought her hand forward to shake the little girls hands saying "friends? "but instead of shaking her hand the girl just hugged her and said"The first step of friendship is trust and courage, so don't shake hands but let's hug each other to represent our mutual respect as well as beginning of friendship ,okay"

To which Rosalie also hugged the little girl and smelt the calming scent of her little daughter.
Emmett seeing this pouted but the girl released the older girl and hugged the human wall or muscle man and squeezed and said "I would also like to be friends with Mr human wall "and chuckled.

Emmett smiled hearing that and said "Okay  little princess as you wish "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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