chapter 2

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In the morning


Everyone woke up and currently having breakfast together

" Good morning , young master silver shield . How was your sleep, i hope it was good." The crown prince start using his glib tongue.

Cale was already in a bad mood for having breakfast with the heros. But the crown prince made it worse' young master silver shield' who even come with those nickname.

"It was bad and you had to make it worse" said cale bluntly . By his response other flinched as they didn't expect him to be brutally honest.

" ...... Is there anything you didn't like young master silver shield" said the blonde prince.

" Young master silver shield don't call me that." Cale being honest as always.

"Is there any problem with it?" Said the red head mage.

" I hate that name." Cale said being honest once again.

Other flinched with his answer.

" Ok young master cale, since we are going to be teammate how about we learn about each other" Rosalyn said to make conversation normal.

" Hmmmmm..,.. ok i guess " said cale .

"Lets start with our name then likes,hobby,favourite food , favorite things and our dream"rosalyn said she was confuse by herself she didn't know she will open up to the rumoured 'trash' now a hero.

" How about i start" said the crowned prince.

Every one agreed.

" I am Alberu crossman. I am 23 years old. I like my family(referring the dark elves )  and my favorite food is sweets. My hobby is making tea And my dream is to become a great king. I hate who abuse thier power on others ." The crown prince said

*Sorry i am not awere what does others like or what kind hobby they have*

As everyone said their name ,likes,hobby favorite food,dream.

And now finally it was Cale turn.

" Its your turn now young master" said the blonde prince.

" Do i need to?" Cale said tiredly .

" Yess/of course/you need to do that"said the heros and the crown prince.

"....................o..ok."cale said with sigh

"My name is Cale thames"cale said shocking the others.

" Thames ? Isn't It suppose to be henituse? " Said the crown prince.

"Its thames" cale said.

"But that's no-" unfortunately he got interrupted by cale.

"Shut up . That's none of your business" cale said shutting up the prince.

"I like my kids". Cale said shocking the others again.

"Kids?!/ You are father!/aren't you to young!!" Said the heros and the prince in shock.

  " I adopted them . They are from cat tribe "said cale as if its normal thing, not realizing he dropped a bomb on them .

"I like anything as long as its not bitter" cale said the last part with disgust but others didn't saw since his upper face is covered.

Hearing the word bitter Ron smile become wider .

Beacross just sigh . He know what is his father thinking .

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