Yoongi just wanted to make sure that he was in reach in case Jeongguk needed help with anything.

They all ate quietly, Seokjin and Yoongi keeping a close eye on Jeongguk as they were the only ones at the table still.

However, there was another plate of food sitting on the table as well.

"Who's plate?" Yoongi questioned as he looks at the eldest male at the end of the table, which was on the other side of him.

"Taehyung" Seokjin answers, standing up to grab the plate and walking over to place it in the microwave to keep some of the heat.

"He went out to a party last night, when i messaged him he said that he wasn't that far from the house" Seokjin moves back to his seat to continue eating his own food.

"I swear he has a couple of assignments due soon but instead he goes out partying and leaves them until the last minute" Seokjin rants between bites.

Jeongguk quietly reached over to tap his hand against Yoongi's hand. The caregiver looked over at him instantly, still listening to his older friend.

"Milk please?" he questions softly, his doe eyes out on display. Yoongi nods his head and gestures towards the fridge, letting him know it was okay for him to have one.

He watched as Jeongguk got up and walked over to grab one, while also nodding his head and leaving small comments on Seokjin's ranting.

"Sorry, I'm late" Taehyung came stumbling into the front door, already trying to pull his shoes off by the door.

"Hurry and eat your food, it's in the microwave" Seokjin calls back, shaking his head at the thumping that's coming from the entryway.

Jeongguk sat back down in his seat, taking the small wrapper off the straw of his milk.

Taehyung entered into the kitchen area, a lazy smile on his face as he looks to the oldest.

Seokjin grabbed both his and Yoongi's now empty plates and took them over to the sink while Taehyung was getting his food out of the microwave.

He placed the plates down and turned to the younger, readjusting his clothing, which look like they had just been thrown back on.

"What did you do last night, you're a mess more than usual this morning" the eldest complained softly, getting a wider smile from Taehyung but the norm doesn't comment on what had happened.

"You wouldn't want to know, Jinnie" he replies back, leaning forward to place a kiss onto his cheek.

"thanks for the food though, i'm so hungry" he added as he moved over to the table to start eating. "Yeah yeah" Seokjin rolls his eyes as a smile comes over his face.

"What are everyones plans for today?" Yoongi questions, grabbing Jeongguk's plate that was now empty and taking it over to Seokjin because he had been washing the other plates.

"Joonie is doing school work, I have work later so i'm going to get some cleaning done with jiminie and hobi is little sitting" Seokjin answers, seemingly knowing everyones schedules.

"I'm probably going to shower and head to bed for a few hours. I've got to do some of my assingments later" Taehyung answers, with food still in his mouth.

"Okay" Yoongi let out, he mumbled out a quiet "thanks for breakfast" before he made his way back to the little.

"Do you want to go back to bed, bun?" the caregiver questions, Jeongguk's eyes snap up to meet with his, a frown coming over his face but he just nods his head.

"Ooh bun is cute" Taehyung speaks up, looking at the pair across from him. Jeongguk looks over at him now, "No" is all he says before standing up.

Taehyung is slightly surprised at his reaction but doesn't say anything else. Jeongguk grabbed Yoongi's hand in his free one, the other was holding his beloved banana milk. They both went back up to Jeongguk's room this time.

"Not bun, me Koo" Jeongguk mumbled as he let go of Yoongi's hand and walked over to sit down on the edge of his bed.

"On your work badge it says your little name is Bun, I thought it was cute, It just slipped" Yoongi closed the bedroom door and locked it, as Jeongguk usually would but he guesses the little is upset enough that he had forgotten this time.

"Not Yoonie call bun" Jeongguk's eyes started to become glassy with tears as he looks up at the caregiver.

"Okay, Yoonie won't call you that anymore" Yoongi sighed softly, moving to sit next to him and cuddle him to comfort the upset little.

Jeongguk did start to cry a bit, but nothing that Yoongi couldn't calm down.

"How about we lay in bed for a bit longer, than me and you go out for a while?" Yoongi suggest, Jeongguk looked at him with teary eyes and cheeks.

"Park?" he questions in return. the older male nodded his head,"We can go to the park if you'd like, we can go to other places as well" Jeongguk sniffled and nodded his head.

He brought his hand up and wiped at his nose with the sleeve of his shirt, Yoongi scrunched up his nose and reached over for a few tissues, just to clean up his face.

"Okay but let's lay down for a bit more, Yoonie is still tired" he places the tissues onto the bedside and moved over on the bed to get under the covers.

Jeongguk placed his milk carton down and also got under the blankets, cuddling up to Yoongi again.


a/n: hello loves,,,

So whenever i am updating a different fic lately, i always start to miss lil koo and his cuteness.

He's just so cute and soft, I love it.

anyways, while we are speaking of different fics, i have actually been thinking of original fic ideas.

So, i'm going to get down all of my planning then i might post just one of them at first, just so i've got something up.

I've started my writing course and i do have a library card that i can borrow writing books now, just to help, i really want to get better at it.

It's fun and relaxing to me, so it's definitely something i want to improve on.

anyways, as you're probably reading this i am going to try to sleep as it is quite early in the morning now (2:09am), well if you're reading this just after i've uploaded hehe

hope you all have a good day/night. stay safe and healthy. I love you guys <3

ps, any yoonkook date ideas would be highly appreciated

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