Flower Girl

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Chapter 1

"Fuck, what is this? You're got a dick."

"Whadda mean? You know I'm transgender."

"I don't . . . I don't, I didn't . . . I didn't fucking know."

"Bullshit, Henry. You cracked onto me at that club. It's well-known there that I'm TG; I don't keep it a secret. Those friends that you were with all know; shit, I went to school with two of them."

"They're not my friends."

"You mean they kept it from you. Come on, I find that hard to believe."

"I didn't know them. I was just standing with them having a bit of a chat when you came along."

Heidi pulled the sheet up over herself. They were lying on her bed and she was now naked. Henry still had his underpants on.

"You said that you'd been to that club before so naturally I expected that you knew some people there."

"Well, that was actually my first time and I didn't know anybody there."

"Ah, right. Trying to impress, were you? Playing the cool clubman, ay?"

"No, no . . . I don't know. I just didn't want to sound like a new boy, that's all."

"Oh, duh."

"Anyway, Heidi, you could have fucking told me when I asked you out."

"Yeah, yeah. I should go around with a sign stuck to my forehead: 'Transgender, watch out'."

"Now don't be stupid. I mean, you look like a girl, you act like a girl, there's no way you can tell that you're not a girl."

"Fuck you, Henry. I am a girl. Different, true, but still a girl."

"Okay, okay, you know what I mean."

"I'm not sure I do."

Henry was lying on his back shaking his head, "Bloody hell, I've been snogging a bloke."

"Now who's being stupid? You been snogging a trans girl, repeat girl, not a bloke."

"I better go."

"Yeah, I suppose you'd better."

But he made no move to get up, instead he said, "Geez, it's such a pity. You're a great-looking chick. This has been terrific date until . . ."

"It's not my fault, but you're right, we did have a good night. I hadn't intended to jump into the sack with you, but you got me all hot."


"Yes, really, and don't tell me that you weren't panting away as well."

"Hell, yeah."

Henry started shaking his head, "Shit, what a cock-up."

"Now, you're trying to be funny."

"I didn't mean it like that, I mean, it's been a balls-up . . . oh, no . . ."

"Just shut up, Henry." Heidi couldn't help herself, she started heaving with laughter, "You're an idiot, just shut up for a while. A cock up and a balls up . . . God, I don't know."

"I should have said stuff up," Henry spoke to the ceiling.

Heidi turned her head towards him, still grinning, "Yeah, that's probably better."

Henry also turned his head. "You're such a doll. How did you come to be a trannie?"

"Don't use that term, it's become associated with the porn industry."

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