Trina lost her baby.

This is extremely bad.

My phone vibrates again, it must be Joshua. Without checking the caller ID, I answer it.


"Where are you Melissa Becker?" A familiar voice asks.

I remove the phone from my ears to check the name and it says, Boss Adrian.

What the hell?

I don't have enough energy to start arguing or even to talk to him so I hang up.

"It's now good that she's out of danger." My Mom says.

I nod and smile.

"I'll get for you something to eat." I tell my parents as they nod and smile at me.


Walking into the restaurant which is near the hospital, I order pizza and water because my parents aren't really funs of beverages.

After paying, I get handed my my bag and I walk out of the restaurant.

I'm so happy that Trina is finally okay, not really okay though because she just had a miscarriage.

That we'll be hard for her to accept when she regains consciousness.

While walking back to the hospital in the sides, a black Bugatti stops in front of me.

The door opens as my boss walks out. He's wearing a black shirt and black jeans.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, thank you for asking."

"Why are you here? I mean is someone in the hospital?" He corrects himself.

I nod then sigh, "it's Lisa.. Trina, she fell on the stairs and apparently she lost her baby." I explain to him.

"Trina was pregnant? How come the world didn't know about it?" He asks.

There's something different about the guy today. He's just acting nice, too nice and I like this new Adrian.

"I'm not sure about that." I answer him.

"Get in the car. Uh.. get in the car so that I can take you back to the hospital, you don't have to walk."

Adrian is requesting me? I thought he doesn't request for anything right?

"No I can walk, it will only take me a few minutes to be there."

"The car is faster."

"I walk fast, just like your car and besides I'm enjoying this. I want to be fit." I finish and he chuckles.

"Then let me walk with you." He requests again.


I walk beside him as we walk in comfortable silence.

What did he have to eat for him to be this nice today? People really are like chameleons, they change so fast.


Lisa's POV:

I can ear voices and when I try to open my eyes, it's like they are glued shut.

Am I in a coma? I guess.

I can't feel my body. It has become numb.

Well at least I'm awake. I'm still alive.

Come on Trina, open your eyes.

I start to feel tired and there's darkness everywhere again.


"Yes we're in the hospital.. Trina.. Thank you Mrs Dawns.. yes she was pregnant.. She had a miscarriage." What?

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