Y/N's Bio

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Name: Y/N Yuuki



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A/N: With black finger less gloves

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A/N: With black finger less gloves

Age: 11

Hometown: Twinleaf town in the Sinnoh region

Personality: Y/N is a generous, honest, and thrill seeking child. He a trainer that loves going on adventure,   making friends, and battling. He's very passionate about all kinds of Pokemon. He also a very intelligent trainer that likes learns to learn everything about Pokemon and knows different types strengths and weaknesses. But he doesn't always rely on typing. Sometimes he like to battles using his instincts even when his Pokemon are at a disadvantage. He also know how to use a Pokemon abilities and battlefield to gain the advantage. Y/N a trainer that cares deeply for all his Pokemon. He forms an unbreakable bond with his Pokemon that he consider family. His Pokemon are so loyal to him that they would always remain by his side and protect if he is in danger. In Pokemon battle, Y/N and his Pokemon have unyielding determination. They wouldn't give up until the battle is over. While Y/N hates losing a battle but he knows how to accept defeat and overcome it. He also see defeat a chance to train his Pokemon to become stronger. He also hates people who mistreat their Pokemon.

Y/N's mom: Johanna

Y/N's mom: Johanna

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The Pokemon Master of Aura (Pokemon Journeys x male reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora