"I mean if it bothers you that much never mind."

"Stop. Just stop" she says and starts texting someone really fast.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked. She stops and looks at me. "What's wrong with me? I'm stressed out Leah. Everything's going the way I don't want it to go and it just keeps getting messier. Now I've gotta figure this shit out"

"Jennifer I'll go have a family of mine bring me. If it's that much trouble for your own fiancé that you beg to come home"

"I beg? So you wouldn't come home if I didn't so called beg you?"

"Of course I would come home. It just doesn't make sense why you're trippin out"

"Because you didn't tell me what time your flight was until now!"

"I told you last week jennifer!"

"Leah stop gas lighting me. I know you didn't."

I know I did. She's just stressed out.

Later on

We're in our room getting ready to sleep. She's still mad at me. How do I know? She's literally being so short with me. Right now she's standing in front of her vanity, cleaning up some mess she left from earlier today when she did her makeup.

"When should I come back?" I ask her.


"Like when?"

"I don't know" she snarks.

"Jennifer come on. I don't want you sad again"

"How come you're suddenly making it all about me? Do you not get sad when you're out there? Oh right. You're too busy with your job and destiny."

"Can you stop it already? You keep bringing up destiny so much and then my job that you know I love. That doesn't stop me from loving you everyday. I think about you every single day. I'm sorry I don't show it enough like I used to. But you have to understand it's the distance. There's some days where you are the same and I'm not complaining like you are"

"I'm just so over this whole thing Leah. I miss everything we had. I don't feel the same as I used to. It sucks. I just want everything to be back like it used to. We were gonna give it time to get used to but I hate it. Time has passed. I love that you're at your dream job but it's fucking everything up."

"Fucking everything up?" I asked.

"I mean where do you see us in a few years from now? You're still working out there. I'm still here in California. We're apart way too much and knowing both of us, we like to spend time. Eventually I'm gonna have my suspicions and think you'll cheat on me. Or maybe you'll think the same as me. Or what if you do cheat of me? What if you have an affair or some shit and I never know about it. Make a fool out of myself because you have a whole other life in New York."

"All that overthinking got you to that? You're crazy Jennifer. You're the one who supported me to go out there"

"Leah do you not see my point?! Ugh. You're literally becoming delusional."

"Me? Delusional? Are you fucking serious right now?" I asked her.

We just keep arguing and arguing more recently. Tonight has probably been the longest we've argued.

"Stop repeating yourself. Can you just fix this?" She asks with an attitude. Referring to her necklace. It kept bugging her.

So I went behind her and hooked it properly.

"Okay don't fucking choke me you psychopath." She tells me. I furrow my brows and lightly grab her face and made her look at me.

"Who even are you right now? Why're you acting like a bitch?" I asked her. She pulls away from me and pushed me away. Just a bit. But I grabbed her arm.

After Dark 2Where stories live. Discover now