Ashido Heiress

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Ashido Kingdom Castle hall | 2 am

Bakugo's POV

I groan as a beta comes forth, bowing before me, taking my cape and placing it on a hanger before doing the same with Shoto, the man from before that tried to kill me was making his way up the stairs as we followed.

The castle was huge and beyond anything I had ever seen, like some dream land in the middle of nowhere, I had read stories about the Ashido kingdom, how full of life and prosperity it was, but I would have never guessed it was to this extent.

We made our way around the castle, seeing many portraits and beautiful art of different artists from all around the world, it was impressive to say the least.

"When you meet the queen, please refrain from saying any comments or I will personally execute you." The black haired man said as I frowned, looking over to my careless companion who was still looking at the architecture of the building.

I rolled my eyes at his ignorance, how could one be a king who only knows one language and barely anything from his neighboring kingdom, pathetic... And he has the balls to call me unworthy.

Perhaps he had sensed my thoughts, because after my train of thought passed, he turned to face me, disdain on his face as he looked me up and down.

"Ƴœu ğœț æ pŕœɓłənn?" I hissed out at him as he rolled his eyes, looking forward as we approached a large door that seemed to lead to the queen's main room.

"Again, please refrain-"

"From any comments, yeah yeah I heard you the first time around. Œị Ịçƴțĥœț, ƙəəp țĥæț fịłțĥƴ țŕæp œf ƴœūŕß ßĥūț." I say before he chuckles, sending me a devilish grin.

"ßịŋçə ẅĥəŋ ẅæß ị țĥə fœūł nnœūțĥəð?" He said in a cocky tone as the door open, cutting me off from sending him a hurl of insults... And confirming what he had claimed.

The room was larger than anything I had seen, beautiful colloms held the ceiling high, pinks and whites accompanied by beiges filled the room with an energy like nothing I had seen in my life.

"Greetings! It is so nice to finally meet the king of the Todoroki kingdom!" A pink woman with an attire weirdly making her feature look younger than I assumed she was said as she stood up, smiling to my fellow royal.

I couldn't believe how strange she looked, she had sharply curled horns more yellow than the sun itself, her skin was as pink as the evening sky, even her eyes shined with a gold ring lost within her black eyes.

It seemed that I didn't matter at the moment, the Todoroki kingdom had a large reputation for many things, trades, goods and even artists, my country was only known for its power and loud rulers.

For a moment, I saw a glint in the king's eyes, the idiot seemed disturbed by the queens appearance, making an expression that one could only describe as disgust and confusion.

I quickly elbowed him, looking up in worry as he groaned, the queen thankfully having missed the clear sign of displeasure on my regrettable companion.

"He doesn't speak a word of your language." I said calmly as she looked at me confused, looking to the idiot next to me who now seemed to be more interested in the flowers growing on the ceiling than the woman infront of us.

"Oh, I see... And you seem to speak wonderfully fluent. Are you his counselor?" She said as I burst into laughter, me? HIS counselor? Never in a million years!

"I'm the heir of the Bakugo kingdom, Prince Katsuki." I said as she frowned, giving me what looked like a disgusted expression.

"His majesty of meats you mean... Your father is known for his cruel butchering of animals for fun feasts." She said with venom, making me gulp a bit, it was true that my father was far and wide known for his meat fests.

"Well... I am here peacefully, I do not intend to harm animals while here out of respect." I said as Shoto picked at his nose for a second, receiving a harsh jam from my elbow.

"Ŵĥæț!?" He growled out at me, making my eye twitch as I looked him up and down, I was so fed up of his presence.

"Ɓəĥævə ƴœuŕßəłf, Ị łœœƙ țænnə ŋəxț țœ ƴœu ŵĥəŋ ƴœu æçț łịƙə țĥịß!" I whispered yelled to him as he growled, gripping my collar in a swift movement, making our face inches from one another.

"Ðœn'ț œŕðəŕ nnə æŕœūŋð." He said before the queen cleared her throat, looking at us completely unimpressed.

"I see that the two kingdoms still don't do well near eachother... My father loved telling me stories of the age when your parents constantly fought eachother for power. In the end, the Bakugos had the stronger quirks and quicker soldiers, to the mad king's dismay." She said as Shoto let me go, sighing as he took a step back, looking at her before looking at me.

"If my father is who we shall speak of, then I will be taking my leave." He said completely fluently in Minarian, leaving all baffled as he left the room, slamming the large door with a loud bang.

"You told me he did not speak our language." The queen said as I gritted my teeth, taking a deep breath before giving my most, if even remotely, sincere smile.

"As you said, we were never close, so I didn't know either." I quickly gave a small bow to show my respects before bolting out of the room, making my way towards where I had seen him go, I wanted answers and I wanted them now.

"ICY THOT GET BACK HERE!" I yelled in his cursed tongue as I followed his angry pheromones, coming quickly into contact with his back when I turned the corner.

"What do you want?"

"Why didn't you say you spoke their language!? You made me lie to the fucking queen!"

"I don't care—"

"Listen you little shit!" I yelled as I gripped his collar, my insides growing more and more frustrated with this bafoon's games.

"I do not have to listen to a thing you have to say—"


"NO I DON'T!" He yelled before clearing his throat, quickly smacking my hands off of him as I glared, where had he gotten all this sudden audacity from?

"Do you even realize how far we are?" He said as I bit the inside of my cheek.

I looked up at his eyes with a glare, of course I knew, I knew I was multiple kilometers from home, that it would take us days to go back, the Ashido kingdom was one of the furthest kingdoms from mine.

"Exactly, so while you were all happy to talk to the omegan queen, I was busy thinking of Izuku." He spat out in my face without letting me say anything, the color draining at the mention of my mate.

"It has nothing to do with her being an omega, I only want Deku—"

"He hasn't claimed you, so as far as I know... The bond is incomplete." He said as my eyes fell to the ground, imagining just how scared and lonely he must be, I could feel my heart crush inside of me, without us completing the bond, Deku and I couldn't feel eachother.

"Pathetic." He said as he turned around, quickly getting his arm caught in my hand as I held in a growl.

"Look, we aren't in our kingdoms anymore. Things work differently here, plus... I need her help to get back to Deku." I said between gritted teeth, I did not like asking for help, but I had no idea how to get back home.

"I know how to get back."

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