Discovery of a New kingdom

681 23 13

Unknown green land | 11h15 pm

Sero's POV

I sigh in relief as a rabbit jumps out of my bush, I had majorly screwed up when my foot landed on a branch, my queen would have been so disappointed if I had been caught by these two barbarians.

I couldn't believe the dual color haired guy had murdered the poor creature so effortlessly, but by the look of his companion, neither could he.

It reassured me, perhaps this blond spiky guy had somehow more manners than the other, I couldn't understand either language they were speaking, that was Tsuyu's job as the right-hand woman of our queen.

They seemed to be arguing about something, or talking? Frankly I could not tell since the blond one seemed so angry all the time, what kind of alpha stays angry like this nonstop?

It seemed like the blond one disliked his companion, he weirdly reminded me of someone, the half and half colored man, but I simply could not put my finger on it.

It disgusted me, watching them rip their cooked victims, they sharp canines tearing their roasted flesh into their mouths, it made me want to barf.

I don't know when it had happened, my consciousness had slipped away during their heated chat, but now, they were suddenly much louder than before, it made a quick work of waking me from my slumber.

"Țĥə fūçƙ ðœ ƴœu nnəæŋ ɓƴ țĥæț?" The blond one yelled as he took a step towards the other alpha.

From my angle, I could only see the blond one, but I quickly saw a hand by the tree that block my view, indicating where the other was situated.

It shut the book it held in one swift movement, the man not even having to speak my language for me to understand, he had given me a clear sign that he was not in a good mood with how rough he had shut it.

"Ƴœu, æŕə ūŋẅœŕțƴ." The man said in a cold tone, sending a shiver in my back, I may not have a clue of what they were talking about, but it was clear how tense the two had suddenly become.

Why was the blond one so mad?

"ƳŒU ƁÆßȚÆŔÐ! ƳŒŪ ĤÆVƏ ŊŒ ŔỊĜĤȚ ȚŒ ȚÆŁƘ ÆƁŒŪȚ ÐƏƘŪ ŁỊƘƏ ƳŒU ƘŊŒẄ ĤĪNN!" The blond yelled as he pulled his friend up by the collar, giving me the perfect opertunity as I pulled out my bow, placing an arrow into it before aiming.

I released my finger, watching as the red eyes glared in my direction, quickly catching the arrow that would have pierced his face, he quickly dropped his companion dashing towards my direction.

With a swift movement, I threw a tape from my elbow, gripping the nearest tree before fleeing, the explosive alpha hot in my trail as I shot tree after tree.

I had no idea the man was so talented, clearly he had some sort of combat experience, I didn't expect his sense to be so sharp, even still, how had be been able to catch that arrow on time!?

I was suddenly, and abruptly, stopped when a wall of ice shot before me, my body violently slamming into it with a gasp, the wind getting knocked out of my lungs upon impact.

"Mœțĥəŕfūçƙəŕ, ƴœu țĥœūğĥț ƴœu çœūłð əßçæpə?" The blond one growled as I coughed, trying to stand before being violently pinned by the barbarian blond alpha.

He tried to communicate to me in a foreign language as his companion caught up, it was one that even the other seem to frown at, confirmation that he did not speak it.

The man seemed well prepared, he asked me the question again, in a tongue that seemed to be his own with how good he spoke it.

Finally, he spoke in one I never thought I would hear again.

"Who do you work for?" He asked in the language I had thought was long lost after their civilization had fallen.

"Y-You speak Shinorian?" I whimpered out as the half and half alpha crossed his arms, smirking at me with such evil intent it made my skin crawl.

"Fucking finally... I speak a few languages but thats not important... Now tell me, who do you work for?"

"I won't tell you anything! I would never betray the crown!" I spat at him as he growled, rubbing my saliva off with his shoulder.

"If you work for a crown, you should know that you just spat at a prince." He growled out, making my blood run cold, we were so far away from most kingdoms, the nearest one being the past kingdom of Toshinori, which was how we spoke Shinorian.

"W-What kingdom could you possibly be from? The Toshinori line died with the last king... its just a village now with democracy..." I said as he chuckled, shaking his head as thought I was foolish.

"I am the future king of the Bakugo kingdom."

My heart sank at those words, if he was telling the truth, we had attempted assassination on one of the strongest kingdom out there, they were known very well accross all lands of their military prowess.

"Y-Your highness... I'm so sorry... You see... You are VERY far from home, I would have never guessed-"

"Who do you serve?" He firmly cut me off, his blood red eyes glaring deep within my soul as I gulped, knowing that he was a prince meant I could not keep the truth from him, especially if I wanted us to be forgiven for the assassination attempt.

"I work for my queen. Mina Ashido... Of the Ashido kingdom... I also speak Minarian... which is the language of our kingdom." I said as he groaned, rubbing his face as the man besided him frowned.

"Æŕə ẅə fæŕ fŕœnn ĥœnnə?" The half and half guy said before the blond alpha dropped me, making me sigh in relief as he took a step back.

"Ƴœū ĥævə ŋœ ịðəæ." He growled out in a tone that sounded like desperation, perhaps they had somehow gotten way too far for hunting?

Even so... This kingdom was at least 4 days worth of walking away from the Toshinori's fallen kingdom, the Bakugo kingdom was at least give or take a whole two weeks worth of walking to get there.

"Ĥœẅ fæŕ?" The red and white head seemed to ask the blond one who simply blew up a tree, making me flinch as I stood up.

"Um... Perhaps I could have you two come to the queen. You have broken one of our laws." I said as the blond one turned to me with such anger, I wanted to disappear into the ground.

"Huh!? What fucking law did I break?" He yelled out as he made his way towards me, his heavy boots making the ground vibrate with every step.

"T-This is a vegan territory! K-Killing animals is p-prohibited and n-normaly punished by death!" I quickly recited in Minarian, our law was very strict on harming animals, our princess was a huge animal lover, and once she became queen, she had abolished meat eating.

"Fūçƙ." The prince mumbled under his breath in what I assumed was his native tongue, he looked over to his companion before looking back at me with crossed arms.

"I'm going to need to see that queen of yours." He said as I looked over to his companion, shaking my head.

"Only royalty can meet the queen on such short notice."

"That idiot is the king of the Todoroki kingdom."

I simply shut my mouth and guided them towards the castle, I did not need the mad king's son to be any more upset than he seemed.

Oh please, let the queen be in a good mood.

To be continued...

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