Dried hopes

802 29 3

Unknown desert | Sometime after noon

Katsuki's POV

I groan as my hands grew slipery, the blood of that irritating prince slipping between my fingers, I could tell he was critically injured and I had no way of saving him.

"You are a fucking moron! Why did you protect me!?" I yelled as I took off my cape, tearing a chunk off the bottom before quickly moving him in a way that I could tie the cloth tightly around his shoulder.

"Fuck, you're going to bleed out!" I cursed as I tightened it as much as I could without fully cutting circulation, this bastard just had to get injured like this, why did he even bring me along, did he not want to kill me?

I sighed as I tore another piece, gently wrapping it around his neck before sighing, looking at the bloody mess that rested on my hands, I needed to clean myself of his scent.

"Fucking gross..." I mumbled as I stood up, dusting the orange dirt that stuck to my clothes, I sighed as I lifted my head, pushing some hair behind with my arm to avoid blood tainting my hair.

This place was like nothing I had seen before, the trees were dried up and brown, leaves nowhere to be found, the ground was cracked and dry to a point of no return, there was no water in sight, no vegetation.

"Where in the world are we..." I gasped out as I spinned around quickly, miles upon miles of dry land meeting my eyes, there was no way of telling at all where we were, the only thing guiding me would be the north star, but by the blazing sun that weirdly was up now, it wasn't going to happen any time soon.

"Okay, so this fucker either has a pocket dimension quirk... Or he put us very far from my home land." I said in an annoyed tone, moving my sore shoulders in circular motions.

I quickly stretched my back, making a few stretches of my legs before taking my cape off, putting it in a way that I could drag the stupid unconscious prince with me.

"Since you didn't let me die... I won't either, you hear me? I won't be bested by you." I growled out to him as I tied the cape and started walking, his body slowly dragging behind me.

I had absolutely no idea how long we could survive in this harsh place, I already was feeling the effects of the heat, the sun was scorching as well so that did not help whatsoever.

"This bastard couldn't get us into the tropics, aye?" I groaned out as I halted my step, looking back at his unconscious body, a small trail of blood marking our painful travels.

It worried me, seeing him so motionless, if he were to die in my presence, I would probably have the Todoroki kingdom at my neck, I needed to keep this half and half bastard alive somehow.

"Sheesh... So much trouble for your stupid Alphian ass." I cursed to him before starting my march again, I could see a very dense forest of pine in the distance, of course those trees were the only ones to survive in these conditions.

I quickly wiped my forehead, my hair already droopy from the sweat that covered my skin, I was barely keeping control of my quirk with how much sweat my hands were producing.

I walked for what seemed like a good hour before I reached the treeline, roughly dropping the cape that held Shoto under the shade as I leaned against the tree, lifting my head as I closed my eyes.

"Fuck... This sucks. I want my omega..." I whimpered out before looking up at the sky, hating the fact that it seemed to reflect the red grounds that surrounded us.

I pushed myself off the tree, whiping my hands on my pants before picking up the cape again, venturing into the dense forest as I dragged my companion.

I had no hopes of getting his ass help, we were stranded in the middle of what seemed like a desert, with no map of the area or an idea on which kingdom we were in.

He will most likely bleed out, or if somehow I stopped the bleeding, an infection will kill him.

"You know... I think this might be it for us. I didn't even get to have my ceremony with him... Fuck, I miss you Deku." I whispered as a tear fell from my eye, making me frown before I violently wiped it, I didn't have time for pity on myself.

It was clear how our fate was going to end, without water, we won't last more than 2 days considering the temperatures around here, that's not mentioning how drained we both are.

I hadn't noticed yet, but when my body fell to the ground with a thud, it was shoved into my face, I was unable to take another step, my body had reached exhaustion for the day.

"Damnit! Fucking useless body!" I yelled as I pushed my elbows into the ground, trying in vain to stand up, no signs of cooperation on my side.

I dropped on my stomach, looking ahead in anger as tears filled my eyes, how pathetic am I!?

It couldn't be helped, I couldn't move any longer, my body just simply wasn't having it, I tried again, to stand up, but it didn't even make my body budge.

My eyes gave out, closing against my will as I passed out, my body completely immobile on this dry ground.

"Ɓæķūĝœ..." Shoto softly whispered, my face causing a frown as I hopened my eyes, how long had I been out?

I slowly sat up, looking behind myself where he laud, his eyes looking at me softly, I almost pitied him on the spot.

"What!? You need fucking water? Cus I don't know if you are seeing where we are, but there is no fucking water in sight!" I growled out before he weekly lifted his free arm, pointing towards a clearing in the trees.

I growled at him before turning my head in the direction, frowning as the view seemed to show signs of fog in that area, fog meaning... water was near.

Like a switch, my body suddenly rose up, my feet springing into action as I rushed towards the clearing, the sun illuminating the area like a dream.

I breached through the trees, the light blinding me as I slowed down, falling feet first into the small pond that rested here, pure shock spreading on my face.

I couldn't believe it, the water was so nice and cool, it wasn't at all affected by the scorching sun, nor was it dirty from the mud bellow, it was crystal clear.

There was also a nice cave under this huge rock formation that stood besides the water, it would make a perfect shelter for us both.

I didn't waste time drinking my share of water before wipping my mouth and turning around, making my way to the other alpha with water in my hands, gently giving some to him who gently held my wrist as I did so.

"Ị ðịðŋ'ț ƙŋœẅ ƴœū çœūłð ɓə ßœ çæŕịŋĝ, Ƙæțßūķị." He mumbled as I rolled my eyes, gently picking the cape up again to drag him into the cave, lowering him gently on a patch of grass that was thickly growing inside.

"Just be quiet, would ya?" I grumbled out before shaking my cape, placing it on my back before laying down on the ground, exhausted.

With this water and shelter, our chances of survival had at least increased by a week if not more, all that was needed now...

Was to find food.

To be continued...

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