Caught in the blaze

733 22 2

Cave shelter | 6h30 PM

Shoto's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, groaning at the pain in my shoulder, it seemed as thought Katsuki had bandaged me, his cape reaked of his smell, that caramel stench.

"Katsuki..?" I called out in his tongue, a grunt leaving me from moving my sore body, I couldn't move much yet, my muscles completely tired from the battle I had had recently.

I frowned as the prince did not answer me, with a lot of pain, I lifted myself on my uninjured elbow, glancing around the area in awe, walls of rocks surrounding us.

It appeared to be some sort of cave, but what really shocked me was the sight I got when I glanced at the corner of the room, covered in sweat and panting heavily was the Bakugo prince.

He seemed completely unconscious, his body was clearly overheating which I knew based off his quirk was dangerous to both myself and him.

"Well this is a situation I never thought I would be put into." I whined out as I sat up, hissing at the pulsing agony in my wounds, slowly standing up despite my fatigue.

I slowly limped my way towards the prince, sighing as I pushed some hair out of his face, I blinked a few times as I noticed how soft the skin that touched my finger tips was.

"You reak..." I whispered as I slowly stood up, making my way out of the cave, covering my eyes as the sunset blinded me, the heat almost unbearable outside of the cave.

I bent down, scooping a handfull of fresh water before drinking it, sighing in relief before emptying my gourd, the water in it far too warm and old to be drank, then refilling it with the fresh one before me.

"Ɗəƙū...." The alpha behind me cried out desperately, a sad expression now forming on my face as I thought of the little omega that was left behind.

"He must miss you so terribly..." I mumbled before tearing a piece of my coat, gently soaking it before making my way to Katsuki, placing it on top of his forehead and sitting down besides him.

"After this, you owe me your life... I hope you are ready to pay it back." I said before his eyes slowly opened, a glare giving me goosebumps was thrown at me.

"I don't owe you shit, half and half."

"I saved your life-"

"So have I! We are even after this... I gave you a chance to live." He angrily spat out to me, standing up abruptly as the wet cloth fell to his lap, his shoulders rising and falling rapidly.

I sighed and looked ahead in annoyance, frowning for a moment at the sight that caught my attention, something that was reflecting light in the distance.

"Are you seeing this-" I started before the light passed my face, shattering against the wall with a sharp sound as blood leaked from my cheek.

"Shit! It's an arrow!" Katsuki yelled as he stood up, running out of the cave as I quickly hid behind a wall, not in any shape to be fighting.

"Katsuki! You shouldn't rush at enemies!" I yelled before a huge explosion pushed me off the wall, my face hitting the ground with such strenght I thought my head would crack open.

The walls trembled with the vibrations, embers flying around the cave as I turned to see the result, the whole forest had been blasted away, nothing but ashes remaining.

It was a frightening sight, to see what had been there seconds ago, gone to dust, there was no trace of the forest that lay the grounds before, or at least what was left... was a blazing mess.

Large flames devoured what remained of the pine forest, causing huge black smoke and small flying ambers, it was making the pond boil from the heat.

"Get your ass up! We need to leave." Katsuki yelled as he ran out of the fire, his face and shoulders marked with ashes from what he had incinerated.

"Did you get them?"

"I dont know, they were fast so I tried to blow up a large area... But this place is so dry that it caught everything around on fire... So get up if you don't want to either burn alive or suffocate in the smoke!"

It didn't take more for me to stand up and start running, my heart pulsing with adrenaline as we ran as fast as our tired bodies could, its not like we had gotten much rest after all.

"Where are we even supposed to go!?" I yelled with worry as he looked at me, my heart sinking into my stomach as all he could respond to me was.

"I have no idea."

Bakugo Castle | 3h45 pm (6h45 pm where our princes are)

Izuku's POV

I sigh as I glance around the walls, hating how long this hunting trip was taking, it had only been 23 hours since they had left, I had counted, but it still felt like an eternity to me.

I missed Kacchan so badly, it wasn't the same without him, these walls felt like a prison now that he was no longer within them.

A knock on the door made me jump a bit, wondering who could be coming to see me as they knew Kacchan was not in the room.

"Um... Hello? Is the Luna awake?" A young girls voice echoed behind the door, my head tilting to the side in confusion, I had never heard her before... and who is Luna?

"Luna not here." I yelled before curling into the bedsheets, taking in as much scent as I could from the nedt, my heart was so heavy for some reason since last night, I could not get a brink of sleep.

"Luna... Please let me in so I can do your toilette." The girl responded behind the door, I did not understand why she wanted to clean this Luna person's toilette, but I would not stop her from doing her job.

"Okay... Come inside." I said as she walked in, two other maids walking inside as well to my surprise.

One had long black hair, tied in a high pony tail, she seemed a bit older than the other two, she approached me the closest, she presented herself as Momo.

The one who had spoken had bright curly pink hair, her eyes were a bit scary, but she seemed pretty nice in general, she presented herself as Mina.

The last one had greenish black hair, her eyes were big and wide like a frog, she also seemed to have her tongue out a bit, she had an awfully hard to understand accent, but I think she goes by the name Tsuyu.

"Hello there, Luna. We have come to take care of yourself, we are happy to do anything you need for comfortability." The black pony tail woman said as they all bowed to me.

"Me Deku... Luna not here."

"Oh you adorable thing, YOU are the future Luna. You were claimed by our prince, therefore you go on to mate him and become the leader of our kingdom with him." Momo continued as I nodded slowly, understanding what they were implementing.

"I miss Kacchan..." I whimpered out as they looked at eachother, their faces showing sadness before nodding to eachother in some sort of understanding.

"Well... I am sure our prince misses you too, ribbit." Tsuyu said before they all approached me.

"May we begin?" Mina asked as I looked at all three of them, a gulp leaving my throat before I nodded.

They started undressing me, gently brushing my hair as one of them brough a warm bucket of water, scrubbing me as I lay in my nest.

I had not idea yet, that they all knew my mate was missing.

To be continued...

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