💎Episode 5: Part 2💎

Start from the beginning

"Bluebird is really getting to me. I mean, look at this terrible drawing she made of me!" Steven exclaimed.

Dread rose within me when Amethyst's expression changed. "Steven, wait..." I started.

"These, too!" He exclaimed, frustration bleeding into his voice, and held up the other drawings we'd found today. "I keep finding this junk everywhere!"

I winced at his harsh wording. "Steven, I don't think Bluebird–"

Unable to take it anymore, Amethyst snatched the papers from his hands. "Steven, these were my drawings!" She cried before rushing off in tears. 

Steven's expression pinched with regret as he called after her, apologizing.

It just so happened that Bluebird had entered the beach house and blocked Amethyst from leaving. "What's with the waterworks, luv?" She asked. 

I rose from the couch. There wasn't much else I could do with the Crystal Gems already keeping a close eye on my behavior. She's up to something, I thought. 

"My art career is over before it could even get off the ground!" Amethyst shouted, giving her the drawings. 

"I don't know what 'art' is, but..." Bluebird said without taking so much as a glance at the papers in her hands, "this is the best 'art' I've ever seen!" 

Steven and I observed in utter disbelief as Amethyst's mood improved instantly. It was official, Bluebird had the Crystal Gems wrapped around her finger. 

"Aw! Thanks, Bluebird!"

I crossed my arms. "You barely glanced at it," I said, pointedly. 

Bluebird tilted her head, puzzled. "Did you not like Amethyst's 'art', (Y/n)?" 

She couldn't see my glare because of my hood, but the act felt therapeutic. "I didn't say that. I just think that taking the time to appreciate it first would make your compliments more, I don't know, genuine," I said. 

"Just because you and Steven hate my drawings, that doesn't mean Bluebird can't like them," Amethyst retorted with an aggrieved sniffle.

Before Steven and I could defend ourselves, she and Bluebird left to hang out while she worked on her art. 

"Are you okay?" I asked Steven.

"I think I need to see my dad," he said, sounding as drained as he looked. 


We walked over to the car wash Mr. Universe owned. The place didn't look like much, but it had a cool sign of Mr. Universe in car–or maybe he was the car? I couldn't tell. Either way, I liked it.

"'It's a Wash'," I read aloud "Ha, nice." 

Steven smiled, or at least attempted one. He had been in deep thought the whole way here. "I know right," he said. 

As we got closer to Mr. Universe's van, Steven and I heard the roar of a chainsaw. Then, Mr. Universe's screams and Bluebird's laughter. 

 We sprinted to the van.   

"Dad, are you okay?" Steven shouted. 

Inside, Bluebird wasn't brutally attacking Mr. Universe with a chainsaw. They sat in front of the still-screaming TV with a respectful distance between them. 

I put a hand on my chest and sighed. Thank goodness, he's alright, I thought.

"Hey, Shtuball! Hey, (Y/n)! I was just showing Bluebird some of my old classic sci-fi horror movies," Mr. Universe said. 

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