Chapter 13

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Y/n pov:


Im not even going to bother try get out of this one, I'm just going to stay quiet

"Oh we were here this whole time mom? Im surprised you didn't notice at all"

"I checked your room and both of you weren't in there. It's like it was abandoned!"

And this is why you shouldn't lie without thinking

"You two are both grounded" She slammed the door shut

"Oh well" I said as if nothing happened

Kyle went onto his phone and I just started thinking about The Coon and superhero stuff like that

"Hey, Y/n.. You got to see this" He said as he took his earplugs out his ears and takes the plug out his phone

Kyle shows me his phone and plays the video to the start. It was the news

"Breaking news! New heros Mysterion and Y/hn are villains? Today we have Eric Cartman and his mother with us who will explain what happened to him last night"

Then the camera went onto Cartman weeping on the couch, hugging his mom while the microphone was right in front of him

"They- They tried to kill me! Its all a cover up! Dont trust them they nearly killed me!" Cartman continued wimping

"Shh, don't worry Eric, it's alright"

"Can you tell us any more about what happened?"

Cartman shaked his head

"Did Eric tell you anything else about the situation Miss Cartman?"

"He only said that he was in a dark room full of dead bodies. Thank the heavens he managed to escape"

"The police are starting a search but if you see the so called 'heros' Y/hn and Mysterion at any point during you day, please call authorities immedietly"

Kyle took his phone back

"I dont know how those idiots believe Cartmans ridiculous story" Kyle sighed

"Since when do you even care?"

"Well.. Look, ever since I found out you were, that you were Y/hn I was hoping I could be useful somehow you know?"

"Useful how"

"Like.. Do some inside work on the computer and stuff"

"Actually, that sounds like a good idea! I'll text Mysterion about the idea"


Y: Hey Ken

K: Wassup?

Y: So Kyle asked if he could help us out

K: Tell him no he'll just slow us downnn 😭🙏

Y: He wants to do help with research and just be on the computer, not actually do missions

K: Hey thats actually a good idea

Y: Thats what I though lol

K: 😘

Y: .. 

Y: Oh? 🤨


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