Chapter 11

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Cartman pov:

"She seriously fell asleep?"

"Its fine for now coon, lets just leave her be for now, we have more important things to deal with"

"Fine but we need to go to a different room, just in case she's pretending"

We went to another room to talk

"Now I will start phaze two. HAHAHAHAHA!" I kept on laughing evily until Butters inturupted me

"Which uhh is?" 

"Oh its to kidnap Kyle"

"Oh okay fella, will you need Y/n?"

"Obviously, also I'll need a couple minions to keep Mysterion or Kenny busy so there isnt a chance he'll free her"

"I dont really have a choice do I?"


Butters told the minions to head to Kenny's house and make sure he's busy with them until I manage to get Kyle in the base too

"Wake up bitch, we are going on a road trip" I pulled Y/n's hair to wake her up

"Ughh, what do you want coon." 

"Nothing much, just making a video for your brother"

"And do you even have a plan for whatever you want to do?"

"Shut up and read the script in a second"

I get my phone out and call Kyle, he answers it

"The Coon? Why the fuck are you calling me"

"Hey Kyel, I have a certain someone who would like to say something to you!"

I turn the camera to the other way to show Y/n


Y/n stayed quiet and didn't read the script I set for her

"I- I told you you need to read the script"

"Well you told me to shut up and read the script, I cant do both can I?"

"Just read it"

"Alright, alright" She started reading the script but very obviously not meaningful

"Oh my god Kyle save me the one and only terrifying coon kidnapped me please come to starks pond right now to save me oh my god ahhh" 

"This is cringey as fuck coon why do I have to do this again?"

I put the camera back to face me

"Oh my god just come to starks pond if you ever want to see her again"

"I swear to god Car-"

I ended the call and headed to starks pond to meet up with Kyle, surprisingly he was already there

"Cartman what did you do with my sister"

"First if all, I'm not Eric Cartman and second of all she's fine, or will be if you cooparate"

"Fine, what do you want"

"MINIONS!" The minions hit his head with a bat, making him pass out

"Take him back to the base, I'll meet you guys there

I quickly ran back to the base before the minions could drag Kyle there 

"So, what did you do to Kyle?" Y/n asked me, completely unbothered

"Your seriously not worried about what I could have done to him?"

"Didn't answer my question but it sounded like you need both him and me for something so I wouldn't expect you do anything to him yet"

"Okay.. Well he should be here soon but dont be surprised if he's passed out"

"Trust me, after seeing and remembering what happened earlier, I wont be"

Just then the minions came in with a passed out Kyle being dragged by them

"Knock the girl out too and just get them a cage, it'll be more interesting"

The minions did as they were told

Y/n pov:

"Y/n? Y/n wake up!"

It was Kyle, why am I even surprised 

"Oh hey Kyle"

"Oh thank god your okay, The Coon kidnapped us and we're stuck in what looks like a giant dog cage"

"Yeah I know thanks a lot sherlock"

"Well, well, well, if it isnt the only two jews in town" The Coon came in, clapping his hands once at each of the 'well'

"Acually we aren't-"

"Shut it Kyle" I hissed at him

"Well looks like this is the perfect time to tell you two my plan"

"No one gives two shits about your plan"

"SHUT UP KYLE! Anyways, my plan is to rid this town of jews. And I know you guys aren't the only ones since you know, your family. But your mom and dad wont be reproducing any time soon and after some research, your brother Ike isn't really a jew since he wasn't born into one, since he's obviously adopted and a canadian"

"That is honestly the stupidest plan I've ever heard" I told him

"I knew you were crazy, but to think of this as your 'mastermind plan'? Geez didn't need to shove the evidence in my face" Kyle added 

"BOTH OF YOU FUCKING SHUT IT! I WASN'T FINISHED! Anyways, I needed Professor Chaos' minions or who you would know him as none other than Butters Stotch"

"Actually his name isn't Butters" Kyle inturupted

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah it's Leopold, everyone knows that, surprised you didn't, everyone just started to call him Butters and he went along with it" I explained

"STOP INTURUPTING ME BEFORE I TAPE YOUR MOUTHS SHUT! Finally, anyways for me to be able to use his minions his part of the deal was to be Y/n's boyfriend so I guess thats how it is. And dont worry Kyle they are not aloud to have sex, do you really think I need another jew let alone a baby to take care of?"

Yep he is crazy, I can tell Kyle is thinking the same thing


"Coming!" Chaos quickly ran into the room in his full costume

"Tell these crazy idiots your real name is Butters not some fucking 'Leopold'"

"Actually fella my real name IS Leopold"


"Oh no i dont! Sorry Coon.. Yeah my real name is Butters and they are very crazy.."

Poor butters, being manipulated by Cartman or 'The Coon' All the time. I had a quick look at Kyle and he was staring at Butters with his face fully red

Yeah he obviously cant see how he literally has no choice but to agree to the coons terms, heck the coon was probably the one who made them

I'll tell Kyle later when The Coon and Professor Chaos aren't in the same room where The Coon will scream at us after we say the slightest word

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