Chapter 4

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Kyle pov:

"So where do we go?" I asked the coon as we left the Cartman home

"We can go outside the school" He replied while taking out his phone and started texting someone

"Alright, but if we wait for over an hour im going home" Mosquito whined

We got to the school and kid you not, after about 10 minutes of waiting we saw Butters, in a very interesting costume holding a gun

"Holy shit is that Butters?! With a gun?!" Stan shouted out

"Our first mission! Coon and friends, lets go!" The coon shouted as we all ran to Butters 

"Oh hey fellas! Eric told me to-"

"Well, well, hello there chaos.. Planning to shoot the city now are we?" The coon cut him off

"Cartman did you seriously just tell Butters to come here with a gun just so you could bribe Y/hn here?" I asked the coon clearly annoyed

"Hey look its Y/hn" Craig said

Y/n pov:

What the fuck am I seeing right now? Butters, the most innocent kid in school with a gun surrounded by a bunch of other kids from school?

Cartman is there so he probably manipulated Butters into doing something again

I went down to the action

"The fuck is going on?"

"O-oh god! It really is him! Its Y/hn! Gah! Too much pressure!"

"Calm down honey, its fine"

"Ah hey Y/hn dont mind us, we're just the super cool new hero's in town stopping this very evil villain" The coon bragged

"But I thought-?" Butters started until he was interupted by Cartman

"My name is The Coon, these are my sidekicks and we call ourself 'The coon and friends' Now, dont be too flattered but I, The Coon, think you are perfect for my team!"

"Wait- So let me get this straight, you got a innocent kid, told him to dress up and go outside the school with a gun so you could try convince me to join your little wannabe superhero team?"

"Well is it working?" Mosquito barged in

"No one asked you. And no! God I have much better things to do.. Better be going, bye kiddos"

"Hey, your a fucking kid yourself!" The coon shouted

"Wow, didn't realise. By the way top tip, if you want a mission just run around on top of some buildings and you'll soon find some stuff to do, it would help me out, I need some sleep" I ran off after I said that, to my house

God that was cringey, po so or butters though, getting manipulated by Cartman all the time. Also, some of their costumes suck so much, I could tell who they are almost imediatly. Damn thats cringe

Cartman pov:

"Oo, we should take his advice, coon! Then we could have proper missions!" Mosquito exclaimed

"No! Who the fuck does he think he is?! Telling us to do HIS dirty work. THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I shouted back at him

"Well we will finally be able to do mission since he said he was going to sleep, and maybe get some public attention" Tupperware said very calmly but happily

Y/n pov:

Once I got home, I went through the window and went straight to bed

"Y/n! Wake up come onn! Look at the news!" Kyle shouted, waking me up and shoving a phone to my face

"Following the new hero Y/hn, 11 new vigilantes have come to town! These new sidekicks were sent by Y/hn to help around the city while he got some well deserved rest. Have a listen at the recording we manged to get!" The reporter said to the camera and the screen turned into a video of last night

"Run around on top of some buildings and you'll soon find some stuff to do, it would help me out, I need some sleep" I said as Y/hn in the video and then Kyle turned off his phone

"Isnt it so cool! I personally like the human kite the best but-"

"Your him aren't you" I said calmly while smiling and kyle turned pink of embarrasment

"Wha- me? No! Of course that cant be me why would you even think that!?"

"Dont worry your secrets safe with me. Because unlike someone.." I glare at him for a bit before I continue my sentence

"..Im not a big blabbermouth" I smiled

"Thanks sis, fatass would kill me if he found out you know" He smiled back

"Oh he's gunna know" 


"You know when I said im not a big blabbermouth, you are."

"Oh then he'll kill both of us!" 

"Can he really kill someone though?"

"Yes, and he did"

"Well yeah, but I mean out of rage"


"Ughh no I mean like in a fight, he sucks at those, we both know it and since its at school he'll try to 'kill us' in a fight. And thats worse case senario anyways, probably will have some other stupid thing to be mad about"

"Fair enough, why am I worried about that fat fuck" 

"Anyways, what time is it Kyle?"


"Goodnight" I said quickly and went back to sleep

In the morning, when me and Kyle went to the bus stop, we could see Cartman being mad about something and complaining about it to Kenny

"Mrrph Mrr Mphmrph mph mrf, Mf Mrrph mr mrphmrr mrph!" (Dude I already told you, it isnt that fucking deep!)

"Shut up Kinny, it's very fucking deep!"

"Whats he mad about this time?" Kyle asked as we came closer to the bus stop

"Mrr Mrph mrfmr mrf" (I dont even know)

Eventually Stan got here and we all went onto the bus and went to school

At school, Cartman was just getting madder and madder until he eventually started shouting


Ah of course, he didnt want to seem to be I sidekick, I mean he literally made their franchise be called 'coon and friends' because he wanted the spotlight THAT bad

"Cartman chill out its fine"


Everyone stayed quiet


"How do you know he isn't homeschooled?" Wendy said as she went pass the screaming Cartman

"That fucking bitch..."

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