Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

"I still can't believe this, Edaline!" Sophie exclaimed, shoving some tunics and leggings into her blue, T-Rex covered suitcase. "You're taking me to Paris? No way!"

Edaline smiled. "We won't be able to stay long, though. Grady is just going there for a quick meeting with Alden. They needed to meet in a secure place." Sophie nodded rapidly, eager to get on the move.

"Come on, Edaline. Let's go already!" Sophie said, swinging her around in a circle. "All right, all right. We're going." Edaline said, wearily. Wiping a sweaty strand of hair from her eyes. Sophie had been pestering her for the last three hours since Keefe had left. She had come pounding down the grand staircase, screaming and giggling like a kid who'd just been told that they'd be going to an amusement park for the first time.

They hurried up the stairs to the leapmaster, still hand-in-hand. Together, they called, "Paris, France." And a cobalt blue passage of light opened up. They stepped into it, letting the rather cool light whisk them away.

Sophie inhaled the stale, contaminated air of the human city. Paris was not nearly as good as she was expecting. But then again, they were in the Forbidden Cities. Even the cleanest of human civilizations were considered dirty, disorganized, and subject to the Lost Cities. Sophie's cities were clean, organized, and beautiful.

"So, this is Paris," Sophie said, dryly. "Oh come on. Cheer up! We're in the city of love! You were so excited to come here, and I hate to see you disappointed. Paris is chock-full of pigeons and trash, but you know what it's also known for?"

Sophie shook her head.

Edaline chuckled. "Good times. Now, let's get over to our hotel so we can get situated, okay?"

Sophie grinned. "Okay, let's go then!"

"What?" Sophie looked around the hotel room frantically. She stuttered. It's the size of her closet!

"Hm? This is the biggest hotel complex in the world." Edaline frowned. "And this is the biggest room they offer."

"I love it! It's such a change of pace!"

"Oh well, that's a relief." Edaline said, mimicking wiping sweat from her forehead. Sophie laughed. She walked over to the linen beds, running her hands along the comforter. The comforter had wavy designs on it, along with seashells and embroidered on it. The pillows were decorated with a frilly pillowcase, which, to be honest, wasn't very comfortable. Sophie still loved it, though.

"Edaline, have you been to Paris?" Sophie asked, beginning to unzip her suitcase. Edaline smiled.

"Once. Grady and I went there for another one of his meetings. We went to the Eiffel Tower afterwards, and enjoyed dinner among the stars."

Sophie smiled back. "That was very poetic,"

Edaline chuckled. "That's me."

Sophie unloaded Ella from her suitcase and placed her on the left bed. She continued to unpack the rest of her suitcase. "Mom, could we go out tomorrow? You know, just the two of us?" Edaline seemed to jump with excitement.

"Of course! That's exactly why I chose to bring extra human clothes just in case we decided to do that," She exclaimed with a wink. Sophie grinned. "Great!"

Sophie flopped onto the bed and picked up the remote, which was situated on the TV counter. A disinfectant label had been placed over it, certifying that it was clean, even though all of the Forbidden Cities were contaminated. "What do you want to watch?" Not realizing Edaline was staring at the news with wonder.

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