Y/n: You meet your roommate?

Gwen Stacy: Not yet, they weren't there when I set up.

Y/n: Yeah, well... some people have friends, I guess.

Gwen Stacy: You're my friend!

Y/n gasps as he feigns a mixture of both shock and honour, he places his hands over his heart as Gwen pre-emptively rolls her eyes at the upcoming display.

Y/n: Wow... I just... what an honour!

Gwen Stacy: Oh, forget it.

Y/n: I just- I had no idea you felt that way about me...

Gwen Stacy: I was trying to be sincere, clearly that was lost on you.

Y/n: I just want you to know that I feel the same way

Y/n slides his hand across the table, taking Gwen. He gives it a light squeeze as he pushes his joke even further.

Gwen Stacy: Okay, if you keep making fun of me I think I might hit you.

Y/n: Sure thing, friend.

Gwen Stacy: Thank you.

Y/n: No problem, friend.

Gwen Stacy: Oh my God.

Y/n laughs as his now official friend threatens to throw her salad at him. The two students then later find themselves approaching the same physics class- catching two desks next to each other.

Y/n: Hey!

Gwen Stacy: Hi! How are you?

Y/n: In the fifteen minutes since you've seen me last? Good, yeah.

Gwen Stacy: A lot can happen in fifteen minutes.

Teacher: Are you guys gonna talk through the whole lesson or can I start the presentation?

The two teen's heads snap forward as they come to realise all eyes are currently on them. Gwen rapidly nods her head as Y/n tries to look anywhere where eyes were not upon him.

Teacher: Thank you.

Her words laced with sarcasm, the educator switches off the lights and begins to play a documentary on the projector. Y/n tries his hardest to focus; the science boring him to tears despite the rest of the class being deeply interested.

Y/n: Stay awake, Y/n...

He feels a warm, soft hand pinch the skin on his arm. He looks to his right to see a soft, playful smile smeared on Gwen's face. He turns his eyes back to the screen and pinches her own arm as payback.

Student: Dude, those guys don't stop.

After a few more pinches, the two end up -near subconsciously- holding hands. The two are snapped out of their stupor as the door to the classroom opens as a boy tries to slink around in the shadows.

Teacher: Mr. Morales, moving in the dark. You're late again.

Miles Morales: Einstein said time was relative, right? Maybe I'm not late. Maybe you guys are early.

Miles' joke is met with a painful silence from the rest of a class. Y/n nudges Gwen; gesturing for her to give a reaction. Reluctantly, she gives a very short (very fake) laugh.

Gwen Stacy: Sorry. It was just so quiet.

Teacher: Would you like to keep standing there or do you want to sit down?

In the dark, Y/n beckons Miles over with his hand as the boy awkwardly makes his way to an empty seat next to his roommate.

Y/n: Hey.

Miles Morales: Hey, man.

Miles checks out Gwen, who catches him looking. Miles looks away. He looks back to see her mouthing words to Y/n who he assumed was doing the same. She sighs and leans across Y/n to talk to Miles.

Gwen Stacy: I liked your joke.

Miles Morales: Really?

Gwen Stacy: I mean, it wasn't funny, that's why I laughed. But it was smart, so I liked it.

Miles Morales: I don't think I've seen you before-

The teacher shushes Miles, cutting him off. He sits still, checking out the new girl- though she's again focussed on the documentary, her head lightly resting on Y/n's shoulder. Later that night, Miles and Y/n converse in their dorm- Y/n hanging off of his top bunk in order to maintain eye contact with the boy.

Y/n: So... how was your first day at Visions?

Miles Morales: I'm pretty sure I nailed it.

Y/n: You don't have to lie to me Miles. I won't think any less of you.

Miles Morales: Oh, thank God. I don't know man, everything just seems a little too big time for me. You know?

Y/n: Actually, I do. I'm not much for smarts myself, this place is terrifying.

Miles Morales: Why are you here then? No offence!

Y/n: None taken. I have my reasons, but I'm sure as hell not here for academia.

Miles Morales: Are your 'reasons' that girl from physics?

Y/n falls off of his bunk in shock, Miles laughs at him as he hits the floor. Morales climbs out of bed and helps Y/n up. Both notice that the other is dressed in casual clothes rather than pyjamas.

Y/n: Are you sneaking out?

Miles Morales: Wha- no! Why- why would you think that? Wait... are you?

Y/n: Yes.

Miles Morales: Oh... cool. Yeah, man. Me too.

Miles assumes a cool pose, it is now Y/n's turn to laugh at him as he dons his denim jacket that Gwen stole for him- and slings a backpack over it. He then opens up their window and hops into the window frame- crouching so that he may fit through the gap.

Miles Morales: Are you leaving through the window?

Y/n: How else are you meant to sneak out?

Miles Morales: You go through the halls...

Y/n: Yeah, if you wanna get caught. You wanna come with?

Miles Morales: Nah, man. There's someone I gotta go see. Next time though.

Y/n: Bummer, I'll tell the girl from physics you said hi.

With that, he smirks at Miles and leaps out of the window frame- falling to the streets below. Miles runs to the window and leans his head out; looking down to the pavement to see if he could spot Y/n.

Miles Morales: Y/n?! You alright, man?!

If Miles was to look up, he would see Y/n sticking to the bricks just inches from his head. Miles sighs, closing the window and preparing to leave the academy via more conventional means.

Miles Morales: He didn't tell me there was gonna be girls...

Avoid the Spider-Verse (Spider-Verse Saga insert)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα