I wanna kill the Lab Technician

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'What the hell-'

It was 4.38 I was squatting and was ready to collect the first morning  pee when I noticed the Red droplets in the white tiles.

"You must be Kidding me."

Blood. Yup I was bleeding and every woman does when it's that day of month. And it's mine those days.

"How am I supposed to do this?"

See we all know peeing holes are different and bleeding holes are different. But it's Messy especially when your pee is not in force. Ukiuk. And i am infected, my pee hole is fucking Swollen. And just simply peeing burns sections that I didn't know even exist, so fast peeing is not even a talk.

I somehow with pain and using some brain successful collected urine without period blood ending up in there only to be informed

"you cannot give any test during menstruation."

" What?! " My voice was louder than I accepted it to be that ended up drawing the attention of other patients. I mumbled a quick sorry and brought my attention back to her.

"Kid, The test results are not accurate during menstruation."

"It's ok i don't want it accurate" I pushed

"There's no meaning, if it was a blood test or even sugar test I would have considered. It's Urine Culture, this will not even give a result u need."

" What am I supposed to do now? Wait till Period Is over? The Doctor is not providing me with medicine. And I cannot wait for more days. The infection is getting worse." At this point thing were just getting frustrating from me,

"I think you should try another doctor."


"When did it start?" The women doctor asked

"2 weeks Back." I replied. The lady Doctor looked at me through her oh so doctor specs.

Did I finally trust the Lab Technician?


Am I listening to the lab technician


I am here because my mom forced me to do so.

Here I am visiting another doctor wasting my mom's  money just to hear her say 'Get test results then only I'll give medicines.' she hasn't said it yet but I know that's what is coming. All the doctors are bitches. They can't even identify what a simple Infection can be.

"You took any other treatment?"

"Nothing except 1 whole bottle of cital syrup." I deadpan " it didn't do much works as well"

" I am writing down some medicine. I'll give you some you buy from Medical store." my body stiffened up and my eyes opened in surprise.

' wht?! direct medicines? No urine culture report or anything?"'

"It will take time as you left it unattended for too long but it will cure." The lady doctor handed me the prescription and I stared at her face with my eyebrow frowned. She continued to explain the dosage and which medicine is for what and let's say I didn't hear a single word till she said 'Next'

What Next? Next patient.

I got back home, I took the medicines and didn't care if I was taking it on an empty stomach. I don't even believe Medicine is going to work. 

I plopped down on my sofa and rested my head on the headrest. It's the most uncomfortable headrest I swear.

A message pops up on my phone.

Cockroach Brother:
"Are you Planning to meet before you leave or want to disappear just like that?"

What a great way to ask for a farewell party.

Meet me. Tomorrow Evening.

I replied and slammed my phone down and let out a tiered sigh as tears accumulated at the Brin but I blinked it off.

"Why does things have to get this hard"

I am shifting to City in 2 days and I haven't met anyone for 2 weeks now. How will I? My bacterial infection is at its worst becoz of all its effect it's just really hard for me to get out of my house.

I did go out one day but I peed my pants and walked all the way home like that just like today.

My phone vibrates again and i pick the call

"What the doctor said-" my mom Started

" Why were you not picking up the call Mom? I called you 3 times. Could have considered it important if I am calling you continuously"

" Your aunt called from the Village and she wasn't hanging up. Why? What happened? The doctor gave you medicine?"

" She prescribed me to buy some from the medical store but I didn't have any rupees left. That's why I was contacting you again and again but you were just busy gossiping."

Hate me for what I said. I agree i disrespected and whatever pissed mood i could have been i should have not talked like that.

"So you did not buy the medicine?"

" I was not in a condition physically to stand in that scorching heat with this much weakness in my body. I came home and just ate the medicine that the doctor gave me. I don't have any plans to go out again to buy those medicines at all."

" Did you eat anything before taking Medicine?"


" Why are you doing this? How will the medicine work if you don't eat anything? God How am I supposed to deal with this "  she mumbled through the phone in pure Frustration.

She was Frustrated and Even I was. Both of us were trying to get hold of the situation but we're failing miserably. Day by day it was just getting harder to adapt to the situation we were pushed into Both of us hoping things will get just fine soon

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