Is the Lab Technician Right?

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"The Lab Technician say you have Diabetes"


"I don't know why this is all happening to us. I prayed so much to keep you healthy.."

I didn't hear anything from there it was as if everything's fading

'What the fuck. Diabetes Me.. Can this happen? I am a healthy person. Can I even Get Diabetes?'

I was so into thinking that when I felt an itch in my throat I tried to gulp down my saliva to soothe that itch but it just did some weird somersault and came out as a Cough.

And when I say Cough it was not just 'cough cough' it was 'COUGH! COUGH!' the one where you can hear the sound of the cough that is stuck in your throat trying to jump into your mouth.

In easy language I sounded like a TB patient and that didn't soothe my Mom's stressed mood at all.

"Don't tell me You COUGH AND COLD is still there!!!"

"Mom. Mom cool down and explain to me. What happened?"

The Lab where I have given my Infection test Is owned by one of my mom friend. Whenever we have any test to be done We visit her lab and she gives us the best price. Money is saved, you know.

So Now, when my mom went to take the report.
The Lab owner said that. Along with Bacteria. They also found too much Glucose in my samples which are signs of Diabetes.

"Mom. That's not possible. It's probably becoz of the amount of Cough and other Syrup medicine I took they have glucose in it. Prbly thts why it's showing up in tht"

I convinced her into this and this was also convising enough for me. Like why not. Urine is my waste after all. It's For sure that The amount of those sweet medicinal syrup and Sugar i would have consumed is discharged from my body. And that is what is showing up in the results.

With my own theory I again relaxed myself into my blanket for few hours when my mom showed up at the door after visiting the doctor she looked at me with an unreadable emotion in her face.

"Did the doctor gave medicine for the Bacterial infection?" I asked and she shook her head.

"You have Diabetes."

And there... I learned another new thing.

The amount of Glucose is not affected by the amount of sugar you Consume and No, the Sugar is not considered among Glucose. So Technically my Theory Turned out to be wrong

That night was over of the most exhausting night. Next morning I woke up with my mom by my side. My hands held in her hands and a needle ready to be picked in my skin.


My eyes flew open at the sight and I flinched back so hard hitting my hand to something I don't remember what it is but I know the pain was just too much to forget about

"What are you doing with your tools!!!!! You terrified me!!!"

" It's been 12 hours since you ate."


" Let's check your Fasting Sugar"

"Why!!! I told you I am not Dibatic!"

"Let's Check and get over it then!!!" Mom pleaded.

She wanted it to get over this. She didn't wanted to live in this dellution that everything is fine when it could be terribly wrong

"Fine." I agreed and sat beside her placing my hand in hers as she just held my one finger.

She poked my skin and after a second a bead of blood accumulated on my skin. I slid that drop into the strip and the screen took 2 seconds to process. And a Number showed up in the Screen and the colour from my face disappeared.

"It's 180."

"A-Are you sure this is working right?" She nodded her head. "The lab technician was right."

DIARY OF TEENAGER WITH DIABETES حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن