CH. 4 The glams

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- few days later -

Y/n and sun were cleaning up the daycare when they heard a knock at the daycare door
Y/n went to the daycares door and opened them.
"Hey there."
" oh hey Vanessa!"
" I just realized something ."
Y/n tilted her head.
" you never met the glams did ya?"
" I would walk pass every so often but they would be to busy with kids. So I was never able to say hi.. wait.. why do you mention it?"
Vanessa stepped back and 4 large figures emerged.
" holy Shit I forgot how tall animatronics are!"
Y/n stepped back as well and the 4 figure walked in . It was the glam rocks.
" o m g!! She's so cute!! "
One of the glam rocks walked up to y/n and picked her up.
" can we keep her!!"
" chica you know you can't keep her..she has a job to do."
" Awwwe shucks.."
Chica would loosen her grip on y/n and pat her head.
" it's nice to meet you im glamrock chica!"
" nice to meet you too chica the names y/n !"
" that's a lovely name."
Y/n was confused cause it wasn't chica that said it.
" I'm roxanne wolf, that's chica , these 2 bastards over here are Monty and Freddy."
"Roxanne we are not bastards"
" Monty is standing up for me??"
" shut it fat bear I was speaking for myself."
Y/n chuckled.
" seems like you 2 have some sort of beef?"
"Well y/n they have always been like this but in the end they're both just really good friends"
" that's good to know chica thanks."
" mhm!"
" uh hey y/n anytime you see us feel free to call out to us.. we don't mind you know."
" oh but every time I try there's always kids surrounding you!
" don't worry about them they will understand"
" if you say so.. I'll try my best to at least get a hi out to you all!"
" we are free the rest of the day so if you wanna talk to us you can feel free."
"Okay thanks Freddy"
" of course superstar"
" I have to get back to cleaning up thanks for coming!!It's nice to finally be able to say hi to you guys!"
" agreed!! It is nice to finally be able to talk to you !"
Y/n would smile and wave as the glam rocks walked out.y/n would sigh and look around.
Y/n pov-
Where the hell did Sunny go? I took my eyes off of him for a few minutes and now he's gone. I swear he's like a chihuahua that can't stay still.
"Yes sunshine..?"
Y/n looked up and saw sun in his room.
" why did you walk away?"
"W-well you were in a conversation so I didn't wanna disturb you..i-if you know what I mean.."
"Sunny..I was just saying hello to them because I haven't been able to! Nothing more nothing less! It's okay if you came in mid conversation! Just as long as you say excuse me!"
" i-i know it's just..-"
"People who worked here before me hated that?didn't they..?"
Sun would nod.
" well forget those guys! I'm here! No need to worry about making someone mad!"
" are you s-sure?"
Y/n nodded and signaled sun to come down here. Sun jumped down and landed on his feet. Y/n walked up to him and hugged him.
" t-thanks y/n I really needed a hug right now."
" of course if you ever need something don't be shy to ask!"
Y/n grabbed suns hand and ran towards the knocked over buckets.
"Let's continue cleaning.. shall we?"
Sun smiled and grabbed the buckets while y/n picked up scraps kids threw around . Sun and y/n looked around and found some more messes to clean. Y/n picked up the plushies and sun picked up the crayons .

-few hours later-
Y/n pov-
"Phew! That was a lot. Didn't expect theses kids to make such. Huge mess.. extremely huge. Im sweating- I'm Gonna take this hoodie off."
Y/n grabbed the bottom of her hoodie and pulled it over her head .
"Much better."
Suns pov-
"That was.. the best? Cleaning up with someone feels alot better!.....
What is she doing?
Sun would stare at y/n through the play structures. Watching her as she took off her sweater. Sun ducked down and put his head in his knees.
S : what is this feeling... is this what you were feeling when she kissed you moon?
M : wow didn't expect you to get it too.. totallyyyy..
S : hey!! Im sorry i teased you that time i was just messing around you know me!!
M : that was teasing?.. please tell me your joking.
S : MOON!!
M : heheh.. Im sorry I can't -
S : alright enough talking for now.
Sun turned around and saw that y/n was gone .
Sun jumped up in fear.
" what the! Oh y-y/n hey how'd you get up here so quickly?"
"Don't ask anyways.. are you spying on me?"
" uhhh.. no?"
"Okay okay .. maybe? I just wanted to see what you were up too!"
" oh okay.."
Y/n patted suns head and turned around .

"Sun I'll be taking my leave now! I have to head home!"
" okay sunshine stay safe out there! Moons gonna miss you."
" tell him I'm sorry I can't hang with him tonight! I have a family dinner today so I have to get to my family's place quick."
" okay.. he says he understands !"
" I'm glad he does well.. cya Sunny!"
"Bye bye darling.."
Y/n walked out of the daycare smiling and as soon as the doors closed y/n 's face turned red.
Y/n pov-
"Did he just call me darling again ?? That's the second time he called me that.. it's cute though.."

My sunshine, my starlight..Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя