CH. 7 im okay? Im okay!!

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Y/n woke up. She was in what seemed to be a hospital bed. She looked at her bruised hands. Then looked around. A person walked into the room.
" your awake! Wonderful. How are you feeling?"
" w-where am i??"
" your in first aid darling"
" oh.. okay.. I'm feeling a little bit better"
"Good! Can you tell me what happened that made you get these scars?
"uhm.. I don't wanna say.."
" okay that understandable!"
The person turned around and was about to walk away when they stopped.
" by the way Your free to go when your ready! someone is waiting for you outside!"
" o-okay thanks.."
The person walked away .
Y/n got up and looked at herself in nearby mirror her head and waist were all patched up in bandages.
Y/n sighed as she put her hoodie on and grabbed her stuff. Y/n walked out of the first aid and looked around there was no one there.
Y/n pov-
"There's literally no one here .. what was that person talking about.."
"Y/n is that you..?"
Before y/n could turn around 2 metal arms wrapped around her pulling her into a hug.
"I missed you y/n! Are you feeling better?"
Y/n couldn't recognize the person so she scooted around.
" sunny? Why do you sound so different?"
"Don't worry about it sunshine let's worry about you first..are you okay?"
" I'm much better now! Did you bring me to the first aid?"
" yeah.. of course I did! You fainted infront of me!! You don't remember?"
"Not really my thoughts are kinda blurry right now"
"Okay.. but are you sure your okay?"
"Yeah Sunny don't worry about me."
"I need to cant bare seeing you hurt!"
Y/n looked at sun in the eyes and patted his back.
" sun i still have my scars so please put me down"
Sun has lifted y/n up not even realizing it.
"O-oh im sorry sunshine"
" it's okay sun!"
"I think it's best if you go home for the rest of the day."
" I will not go home today because I'm not leaving moon alone a second night"
" but your hurt.. You need rest!!!-"
"Sun trust me on this okay? I think I got enough rest.."
" o-okay if you say so .. but if anything happens it's ur fault!!"
" I know. "
Sun grabbed y/n's non bruised wrist and started walking.

- few hours later-
" hey y/n you remember that werid family right?"
" yeah why?"
" I think it happened a day you weren't here but those kids went Crazy !! They were littering the whole place! It was so much to do !!"
" why didn't you tell them to help you?"
"W-well they weren't there and besides I'm programmed to clean up messes anyways!"
" then what's the problem?"
" they're doing it on purpose since they know my programming."
"They are just kids how much do they know.?"
"Pffft a lot sunshine! A lot!"
" so your telling me those 3 kids are trashing the daycare to take advantage of your programming?"
"Why didn't you let their guardian know?"
"I did!!.. well tried?.. the guardian is just like the children!!-"
"What do you mean just like the children?"
" stubborn and naive!!!"
"Sun lower it down.."
"S-sorry it just gets me upset."
" naive like they won't accept or won't believe what your saying and stubborn as in hard headed?"
" naive as in they deny what they did when you either watched them do it or something else. But if you mean for the guardian then yeah!"

Y/n laid on the bed .
" tired darling?"
" yeah.."
" take a nap I'll wake you up in the morning or moon will I don't know."
"O-okay. "
Y/n turned on her side and stared at a blank space before finally falling asleep.

-few hours later-
A hand touched y/n's head .
Y/n woke up and look to see who it was.
"shhh go back to sleep it's just me.. moon."
Moons hand ran through y/n's soft white hair.
Y/n smiled as she closed her eyes and dozed off again.

My sunshine, my starlight..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang