CH.11 the confession

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Y/n walked back to the daycare proud of herself and as soon as she opened the door 2 metal arms grabbed her.
" sunshine where have you been!!"
" sunny hey! I already told you I've been with Bonnie all last night and then I was with bonnie this whole morning."
" oh.. I forgot sorry."
" no need to apologize you were just worried there's nothing to say sorry for!"
"Yeah.. just worried.."
There was a silence for a while.
" hey y/n ?"
" yeah?"
" are you staying tonight?"
" I'll think about it"
" o-okay if you are just let me know."
" alrighty. Im gonna finish up doing work at the desk okay?"
" a-alrighty."
Sun and moons conversation
S : I t-think it's time to tell her.
M : finally I've been holding it in for a while now.
S : yeah..
M : sunny what's wrong now.
S : nothing! Just worried.
M : worried about what? Shes here now no need to worry anymore.
S : it's not that.. I'm scared what if she gets disgusted ? What if she laughs at us?? What if she doesn't take our feelings seriously??
M : sunny.. Is that what you think she is like?
S : n-no! I'm just saying..
M : look sun she's not the kind of person to get disgusted besides I think she would understand why we feel this way towards her? Don't you think?
S : what do you mean?
M : what I mean is that she does all this stuff that makes us feel comfortable and everybody well not everybody but some people fall in love with people that comfort and care for them. And I think we are one of those some people.
S : that's true.. okay..
M : so don't worry about anything okay?
S : okay moon.. thanks..
M : yeah yeah..
Y/n would stretch and sigh.
Y/n pov-
"Why did I come back to just do more work I should've rested . Let me check my scars and see how it looks."
Y/n would pull up her shirt and open her bandages. The scar was faded and dried up.
" not bad .. I'll take this off now "
Y/n unwrapped the bandage fully and placed it in the trash. Y/n then sat back down at her seat and grabbed her phone. She would look at the news.
Y/n pov-
"I'm so sorry mom.. I'm so so so sorry I should've stayed and helped it's my fault your dead. None of this would of happened if I walked on the path my dad built.."
Tears flowed down y/n's face . She tried to wipe it away but they just kept coming.
Suns pov-
Hmmm. What to do now.. I'll go check on y/n since there's nothing to clean up.
As soon as sun got out of the ball pit he heard crying. He ran to the desk and saw y/n slouched in the chair
With her face in her knees .
" sunshine!! Are you alright?"
" sunny.. it's all my fault right..?"
"Is what all your fault?"
" it's my fault.. my mom is dead because I was to weak to help her.."
"sunshine it's not your fault she's dead.. "
Sun stared at her. He never heard her yell before so he knew this was serious.
" y/n look at me.. it's not your fault okay your mother was saving you from your father that would've killed you! Take this moment to consider how much pain and misery people who love you would go through if you were gone okay? Your mother was doing what was right.."
" please stop yelling sunshine your gonna lose your voice."
Sun grabbed y/n's arms and pulled her into a hug.
" I don't like seeing this y/n. I know you miss her but she probably wants you to worry less about her and worry more about your future okay? I bet you she's watching us right now."
" sunny.. I-I'm sorry.."
" don't say sorry to me say sorry to yourself. Your hurting yourself by putting her burden on your back ."
Y/n grabbed suns back and hugged him tight. They were like that for a few until they stopped.
y/n sat back down in the chair and grabbed suns cheek.
" thank you sun.. that hug was needed ."
" your welcome sunshine ."
" I'll stay tonight okay?"
" r-really?"
" yes.."
" wonderful!"
Y/n would smile at sun.

The plex was closed. Y/n and moon were sitting on beanbags.
"S-so why'd you guys make me stay?"
" well.. we wanted to talk to you."
" oh of course what do you wanna talk about?"
" we have something to tell you.."
" and what is it..?"
" well you see when we first met you.. we thought you would be disrespectful like the old workers but when you treated us nicely and comforted us when we were down we felt appreciated and ..we got some feelings for you. And.. we were very comfortable with you so our feelings for you grew bigger and bigger every moment we were with we decided to tell you our feelings today because we can't hold them much longer.."
Y/n felt touched by what moon said.
" feelings for me why for me ? "
" your the first person we were ever comfortable with."
" so your saying no one else made you comfortable?"
"Yeah just you .. but if you don't accept our feelings it's okay atleast we let you know.."
Y/n grabbed moons hands.
" I accept your feeling towards me you guys. I've had feelings for you guys as well but I couldn't accept the fact that I had them because of my dad.."
"Well your dads not a problem anymore he's gone and you don't need to worry about getting yelled at or hurt by him okay?"
" thanks guys.."
" of course.."
" I love you guys"
" we love you too, starlight."
Y/n got closer to moon and kissed him gently on the lips. Y/n backed away and smiled .

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