Package | part 6

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"(Y/N)!" you were awoken by Rimi's sweet, soothing voice. Her weight pressed onto the bottom of your blanket, almost acting as some kind of anchor. "Wake up!" she crawled over you, and the curls of her pink hair tickled the crevices of your neck. "I've come with a gift." she said that sentence with a weird, deep accent.

It was like lead had fell onto your eyes, as you rolled over onto your side. "What is it?" you asked, but your voice was muffled by your pillow. Your entire body felt limp and unwilling to move. "Can't you wait until later?" but Rimi refused. She scooted up further on your bed, before brushing your hair away from your face.

The warm sun that shone through the curtains of your windows brightened up the room. "I think it's fanmail. Wait, that would mean that this is your first ever fanmail!" Rimi said excitedly, and you could tell that she was bouncing up and down on the bed, due to how intensely it was shaking. "You've gotta open it now."

Once you heard that it was fanmail, your body jolted right up. "Really? You think?" graciously taking the package into your hands, you started to inspect it, shake it. "It sounds pretty light, but it's rattling nonetheless." you put your ear up to the side of the box. "There should be a pair of scissors on my desk."

The tiny, pink-haired idol rushed for your desk, before she came crawling back with scissors in her hands. Together, you cut the tape of the box. Despite being asleep only a few minutes ago, now you were wide awake. The excitement from having fanmail was too new, too thrilling for you to overlook.

"Maybe it's food." her voice was right in your ear, as she stared over your shoulder and down at the box. "Or maybe it's a stuffed animal! Wait, there are special rules regarding those. Umm, then maybe it's.." her words always made you laugh. "Actually, I dunno." but in the end, it was true that the two of you were completely stumped.

To your surprise, once you opened the box, there was a notebook. "What is this?" you said aloud, as you pulled it out. "It looks new, but this is my signature." you pointed your finger to your own handwriting, which for some reason, was on the front cover. This single notebook happened to be the only thing in the package.

You and Rimi shot each other a look of bewilderment. "I've signed so many things by now, I can't remember this specific notebook." you said. "Let's open it." so together, you prepared to flip the page. At this point, Rimi was so spooked, that she was practically clinging onto your arm. And if you focused enough, then you could even feel her heartbeat.

As soon as you opened it, your heart sank into your chest. Every, single, page was covered in drawings of you, ranging from sketches to completed paintings. You had never felt this feeling before, so you had no idea of whether or not it was good or bad. "Do you have the chills? Cause I do." but Rimi's voice went through one ear and out the other.

Even though the artwork was undeniably good, that fact alone didn't make the situation any less creepy. "But why would a person send something like this? They must've worked really hard on it." you said your thoughts out loud. "I wonder if the whole thing is filled." so you jumped to the back, and as expected, the drawings reached the last page.

This whole time, something had been hanging on your mind. You turned your head to look at Rimi, who was too shocked at everything to face you. "Should I tell her?" you wondered, "No, no. I'm not even really sure myself." but it was Rimi of all people, so you should tell her, right? "She'll know what to do. Y-Yeah, she'll know."

You tapped her on the shoulder, forcing her out of her trance. "Rimi." you said, before you took her hand in yours. The poor girl looked completely stunned. "Rimi, can I ask you something?" as soon as you asked for help, she made sure to put all of her attention onto you and your needs. "So, this is all really weird, right? But there's something else that's bothering me."

"Hmm? What is it?" she tilted her head to the side out of her own curiosity. You felt her squeezing your hand, but she always stayed gentle, as if treating your body like it was delicate, porcelain glass. "If this is about safety or anything, then you need to tell me now. That way, we can work things out with the agency and make sure you're okay."

"No, don't worry! I'm okay, really. I just wanted to ask-" you took a deep breath, before you continued speaking. "As idols, we have specific addresses right? I mean, we live at this agency building, but for the sake of receiving fanmail, we're provided with our very own zip codes, correct?"

She nodded her head. "Yup, that's right."

Then, the world around you turned grey.
Because you had never given out your address before.


authors note: i know this part was a little shorter than usual, but i just had nothing else to write in it. it really freaked me out though. i think it's so funny how i'm like "omg i was so scared" but i'm also the author LMFAO.


1. what's the symbolism of the notebook?
- it's Idia's "pristine condition" (if you remember this) sketchbook from part 1. i guess that he filled it, and has now sent it to (y/n) as a gift.

2. why can't idols receive stuffed animals?
- i'm not sure if all agencies are like this, but i know that accepting stuffed animals is risky for idols because there have been cases where fans have put hidden cameras inside of them.

3. will there be romance between Rimi and (y/n)?
- no, there will be no romance between rimi and (y/n). 

thank you so much!!

8/4/2023 3:24 AM

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