Catch and Release | part 17

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Tonight was the night. You'd go back to him. "It's a full moon." you noticed, before a breeze swiftly passed through the strands of your hair. Every step you took was deliberate, and with each one, you could feel the weight of the whole world on the soles of your shoes. Now that you were here, at the front entrance, where was that flash of blue?

It was silent, except for a cluster of chirping crickets somewhere nearby. The footsteps of patrolling guards, beeping cars, and singing were all gone and replaced with sounds of nature. You checked the time on your phone, but you could've sworn that it felt like ten minutes had passed instead of two. "I'll give it until :25, then I'll leave." come on, deep breaths. He'd show up, right?

"Give what until :25?" a soft voice touched your ears. You recognized it instantly and turned around, only to see a yawning Rimi. She'd caught you dead in the act, and after seeing her, your heartbeat sank out of worry of losing everything. "Aren't you cold? It's freezing out here." her calmness was like a catalyst for your fear, increasing it to the point where you could no longer breathe.

You opened your mouth, expecting to speak "I.. Um." but mutters were all you could give. "Don't look at me like that." you thought, as your eyebrows furrowed. Why did you have to get seen by her? The one who cared the most about this kind of thing?

Her long, pastel pink hair trickled down her back and ended at her hips. "Why don't we talk about it?" she asked with that charming voice of hers, the one that makes you feel like you're melting. The full moon reflected in her brown eyes, turning them shiny with hope and admiration. You wanted to reach out and grab her, hold her, touch her.

Rimi's skin resembled the likes of porcelain glass- curse her and her blemish-hating genetics. You nodded your head, hesitantly stepping closer and taking her offered hand in yours. "Okay." what more could you say? You wanted to trust her, but she held no obligation to protect you.

"Did you just wake up?" you asked, to which she didn't respond, not even with a single movement. Rimi never got up in the middle of the night. She was warm, but now wasn't the time for hugs. All over her arms, there were indentation marks and red spots. And when she blinked, a tear from her freshly opened eyes trailed down her round cheek.

Instead of responding instantly like how she usually did, Rimi peered away and bit down on her already bruised lips. Whenever you saw them without their daily layer of peach gloss, they were always purple and bloody. "Don't ever do this again." she murmured, scratching her nails together. "I don't think I have to tell you why. You're smart, aren't you?" you couldn't read her expression at all.

Even though you didn't know her thoughts, one thing was for sure- you had never seen her look so serious before. It was unnatural. Terrifying, almost. And with the way she was talking, how could you do anything but agree?

"You're lying." she commented, before she lured you  back into the building. "I can tell even if you don't say anything." the grip of her hand on yours was so firm that you had no choice but to follow her every command. Eventually, she lead you back into her room.

Rimi's bedroom was an explosion of pink, with brand-named dresses hanging off the walls. She kept the room's temperature freezing, and slept with three blankets because of it. There was a stuffed animal in every spot your eyes landed on- the girl had such an abundance that she was forced to use some as floor decoration. On her desk were piles of fanmail, along with themed stationary, black nail polish, and more.

"So who is it? Are they a boy or a girl?" she shut the door, then joined you on her bed. The two of you could hardly fit, due to all of the plushies that were also in your company.

"Hey, if you're gonna be sneaking out then you better tell me who you're meeting with! Someone's gotta report it if you go missing." Rimi giggled, but the joke was too morbid to laugh at. Why wasn't she angry? You'd thought for sure that she would be.

".. A boy." you hesitantly answered the question. Immediately, she groaned and rolled her eyes, thougu it was clearly lighthearted. "What?" the pitch of your voice heightened.

"Those are the worst! For me, it was a girl." she suddenly said, and the dense fog surrounding your heart cleared. You could finally breathe now, but remembered not to get your hopes up too quickly. Rimi was the last person you expected to have a history of sneaking out. "Everyone I know who's snuck out for a boy got their hearts crushed or lost their careers."

"I'll keep your secret, since I told you mine. Deal?" it was a miracle, a gift from the gods. "But you need to promise that you'll tell me everything. For the sake of safety."

"Cause we're friends, aren't we?" she smiled. You instinctively reached your hands up to her face, aiming to cup her soft cheeks in your palms. This eye contact was unbearable, but taking your gaze off her was proving to be near impossible. "(Y/N)." the way she said your name was filled with so much affection, it gave you butterflies.

"Friends." you whispered, watching in anticipation as she copied you and caressed the sides of your face. Then, a random question came to mind. "Can you tell me more about yourself?" the truth is, all of the information you had on Rimi were just facts already posted on the internet. But who was she behind the idol facade?

"I want to know everything."

authors note: hello!! i am very happy bc i get to write more about rimi yipeeee. i feel like a lot of fics don't go into detail for side characters so i really wanted to do that with her!

i guess you'll see why like in the next part or two when i actually write everything. again, i can't really think about questions i have for this part, so just leave them in the comments if you have any!

1. if rimi isn't a romantic interest for y/n, why are they so close?
- there r like a multitude of reasons. i mean i don't have an exact one but here are some factors:

a) i know someone irl who acts like the kind of friend rimi is and we're physically very close so i take inspiration from that

b) i like rimi a lot so when i write about her i'm more inclined to make it like really idk.. like 😍 because i'm just biased

c) i wanted y/n to have a friend like rimi (person) so because i want their duo to actually work,, they need to like each other platonically!!!

c) i wanted y/n to have a friend like rimi (person) so because i want their duo to actually work,, they need to like each other platonically!!!

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this instagram reel explains it

thank you for reading!!
8/16/2023 5:27 PM

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