I'll Vanish | part 25

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"I don't want to eat here." you said with your arms crossed, glaring at the sign of the restaurant Idia took you to. "There's nothing on the menu that I'm allowed to have." at some point in the last few years, your diet changed drastically to adhere to the rules of your agency. "Why did you choose this place anyways? That other one down the block is way better." how could you eat at a diner that sold nothing but pancakes, hamburgers, and hashbrowns?

You watched his smile dissolve. "We've eaten here together before, don't you remember?" he bit down on his chapped lip, sparking blood. Idia dug his hands deeper into his pockets and hung his head low, clearly ashamed of his location choice after what you said. "I-I mean, I get it.. It's been four years."

Seeing his frown left a crack in the wall around your heart. You wanted to reach your hand out and hug him to apologize, but couldn't muster anything up other than an "I'm sorry, that was really insensitive of me. We can eat here, Idia." hopefully adding his name to your words would help him feel better? You were remembering your bodyguards words- be kinder, give him a chance, become happy again. None of this would land you in any trouble.

"W-Wait, really?" he said, and all of your worries melted away. The way his eyes lit up with stars filled yours with the same. You thought it was amusing how the intensity of his flaming hair would increase when he was excited, and you wanted to see it happen more and more. "Okay, let's go in!" to your surprise, he was the one rushing toward the door, but not before flashing you a wide smile. His teeth were sharp and pointy, but for some odd reason, you liked that.

. . .

Today was the first day in several months that you'd had icecream or maple syrup. You wished you could eat it more often, and you never wanted this sweet taste to leave your mouth. "I want seconds!" you laughed, only noticing now had comfortable you'd become. But this time, you didn't try to stop it. "Do you go there often?" you asked Idia with your head tilted to the side, making sure to continue walking beside him on the street.

"Huh? Oh, uh, no." he shook his head and gestured his hands. "I don't really like.. Um, going outside." but he worked part-time at the supermarket?

"My little brother- I don't know if you remember, Ortho. He forces me to go out and socialize. It's also the reason why I've been working." you listened to his words intently, without any judgment. "Trust me, I'd quit if I could." then, he untucked the button-up shirt of his employee uniform. His hand reached up to the tin badge of you on his vest, which he adjusted and cling onto, as if lost in thought.

You felt the warm, afternoon sun shining on your forehead, as the two of you strolled in silence. This whole time, you'd been staring at his face. It was the same as you remembered, with a round curve to his jaw and a small bump in the bridge of his nose. But why wouldn't he look at you? The last time you made eye contact was at the restaurant, and even then it was brief.

Suddenly, there was a call from behind. "(Y/N)!" an unfamiliar voice said your name, and when you turned around, you were met with the face of a young fan. "Oh my god, it's (Y/N)!" their words carried themselves across the street, attracting attention from everyone around. "Can I take a picture with you?" then they stepped into your personal space bubble without asking, and you watched as their nostrils moved, trying to secretly breathe in your scent. Would the exact name of your perfume be posted online later? It was always a mystery with these things.

"Of course!" your voice immediately switched back into working mode, and you posed for the camera like it was the only thing you knew how to do. Your brain went on autopilot. And though you couldn't pinpoint the exact time the fog came, it lasted until far after you finished. "Thank you so much." you waved goodbye to the random fans, who skipped excitedly down the street while holding their phones. What they would do with them, you didn't know, but it wasn't like you could do anything about it.

"All right, now that that's over-" you turned around to face Idia, but the boy had vanished into thin air. For as far as your eyes could see, there was nothing except the distorted shapes of figures passing by. "Idia?" you asked, standing on the tips of your toes to check over everyone's shoulders. Where was that flash of blue? Your shoes were going to crease at this rate. "Where did he go?" the sound of your voice was covered by the beeping of cars and construction work, making it inaudible for everyone else.

You wafted through the crowd, breathing in the toxic fumes of gas and sewage. The brain fog hit you like a storm, and you felt yourself losing direction of where you were headed. Without any company or guard, how could you find your way? You were so used to having your hand held by people, that you'd completely forgotten what it was like to have nothing.

"Did I do something?" you wondered.

authors note: hello!! i'm so sorry for not uploading in 3 days, but that's actually because i've been working on multiple chapters. also, pleaseee excuse y/n's behavior in the beginning of this part. we can all mutually agree that they were being rly mean

1. why does idia leave without saying anything?
- he doesn't want to be spotted with y/n by other people. fans start rumors you know.

2. what is the restaurant?
- okay so if you don't remember. the restaurant is the same restaurant that they ate together at on like... the first day they hung out at night? like back then in the past y'know.

3. why does idia keep neglecting his job for y/n HES GONNA GET FIRED OH MY GOD!!!!
- Because They're his favorite idol!!!!! and he doesn't even care about the job that much. and he doesn't need money he's like super rich

4. will we learn about ortho in the future?
- i mean i'll probably like.. give you guys a summary .. but i won't dedicate an entire part to it or anything. but yes it will be spoilers. omg my writing is so bad in these qna's everyone i sincerely apologize

This is just how I normally type okay!! /LH

thank you so much for reading :D

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