I lean down over the side of the bed dropping my cup and flops.
"5,8,2" I count down then I slide down off the side of the bed. I land on my bum but it only hurt a tiny bit.

"Come on Flops," I tell my dog. Mama says he's not real but he is. I hold onto his paw and hold my cup in the other hand as I toddle over to the door.
"Oh seriously" I complain the handle is too high.
I place my stuff on the ground then lay down on my tummy, I place my face by the crack between the door and the flour.
"MOMMY!" I yell
"MAMA!" I yell again
"I just do it myself" I say quickly pushing myself up I clap my hands to get the stuff off of them then I start jumping on my tiptoes to reach the handle and after a lot of tries I eventually get it to open.

"Hellllloooo?" I yell dragging out the word, sticking my head out the now open doorway. I quickly pick up flops and place him in my armpit so I can hold my cup with both hands. I walk out to the hall to see all the other doors.
"Which one is mines," I question out loud, bringing my cup to my mouth. we only moved into this house um I don't remember how many days ago so I can't remember which door is mine.

"I just go downstairs," I tell myself walking to the top of them and then scooting down on my bum making sure not to drop anything.
Mommy left some toys for me downstairs so I'll just play with those.
"Mama?!" I call out when reach the bottom and I see the TV is on. I walk around to the front of the sofa
"Mommy!" I giggle when I see she's sleepin'. I place my cup down on the floor with both hands then move flop into my arms hugging him.
"Wait a minute!... it just me, I by myself..... I can do whatever I want!" I whisper yell but I quickly cover my mouth with my hand and giggle squeezing flops. I can't waste this opportunity. I look around the room for inspiration. That's when I see the backyard I haven't had a chance to go explore it yet Mommy says 'It's not safe' butttt.... how can I know for sure if she doesn't let me play out there?

"hehehe......awww seriowusly." I start off giggling but when I get to the door I realise it's locked
"ohh fuck" I whisper
"Hahaha that's Mommy's singy and driving word and I can say it because she's asleep!" I tell Flops in a teasy voice. but out of the corner of my eye, I see the front door with Mommy's keys still in it I can tell because they have a picture keychain it's a photo of me with the cats there staying with Grandma.

If I can't play in the back yard I'll go in the front. I tuck flops under my arm and run over to the door but I'm too short to reach the handle. You would think with my Momma being tall I would be too but I just haven't grown yet, Mommy says any day now!

Then I see the shoe rack next to me
"Perfict," I say putting Flops down by the coats. Then I start taking all the shoes off and using all my strength I pull it under the door I end up falling backwards onto my bum but I get up quickly and jump up onto it a little too quickly as I almost fall.
"Ready woah, careful" I whisper nervously trying not to lose my balance. I twist the key and then open the down with a big push
"agghh," I huffed as I pushed the door with all my power then I quickly jumped down trying not to trip on the mess of shoes I made.
"I'll just blame it on Dobbles" (a/n Dibbles) I say to myself.
As fast as I can I shove the shoe rack back against the wall It isn't the same way as before but my arms are sore so I just start my adventure outside.


Third person

You continued to run around the front yard of the mansion but after a while seeing the same tall walls and large black canopy covering the sky (all of this to prevent any cameras) caused you, a little three-year-old to grow bored. All while your mother remained cluelessly passed out on the couch but who could blame her? 3-year-olds are tough to work and on top of being the world's biggest popstar? Jeeze.

After the few attempts you made to squeeze under the large gate leading out onto the street had failed as well as inspecting all of the building stuff the workers left behind, it caused you to notice something she hadn't before. The builders left the side gate unlocked and open.


"I've never seen dat before," I said curiously
I get up from where I was sitting next to an open toolbox dropping the small hammer I was holding and running over to the black gate. I place my hand on it. It moves and creaks. I quickly pull my hand away grabbing it with my other and holding it under my chin but I slowly build up courage and use both my hands and shove the gate open.
"THE BACKYARD!" I yell with pure excitement but then I realise Mommy is still asleep so I should be careful not to be too loud I do not want to get in trouble.


"Fah" I breathed out as I sat up placing my feet on the floor knocking something over.
How long was I out?
"Y/n's sippy cup?" I question picking it up while rubbing the sleep out of my eye, I place the pink cup on the coffee table.
All of a sudden I get this deep unsettling feeling, I try to stretch the feeling away by stretching my arms in the air and aggressively shaking my head but it doesn't work. I look around the room then I realise it's quiet too quiet. I see something that makes me feel like I was hit by a train.
"Y/N!" I yell jumping up, hoping what I'm thinking isn't true. 

There's a mess of shoes all over the foyer, the shoe rack is in the wrong position and the door is wide open, and on the floor by the coat stand 

Is Flops.
Y/n never goes anywhere without that stupid toy dog my mother gave her when she was born as a joke.

"Y/n..." I say quietly in disbelief running over to the toy and picking it up 
"Y/N BABY!?" I yell again bolting up the stairs and checking her room, my room and the playroom but nothing. I feel sick like I'm about to throw up. I run back down to the kitchen thinking the worst. I take a millisecond to try and calm myself before I run outside. 

I turn my head to my right, looking out the sliding glass door,  just to see Y/n reaching out across the pool trying to grab a ball, I'm watching for less than a second but it's just long enough that I see her fall in and just like that protective Mommy powers were activated. I drop the toy and run over to the glass door. I flick the lock unlocked but the door just won't budge.
"Fuck! Fuck!" I yell while hitting the door, after using all my strength trying to open it.

The next thing I knew I was sprinting down the side of the house at a speed I didn't know I could run at. Do you know how people say a mother can become overcome with enough strength to lift a car to save her child? It's real.

I could see Y/n fighting to try and stay above the water but my baby was too tired so she started quickly sinking.
"shit, shit!" I yell as I reach the pool. She's sinking! I immediately jumped in without a second thought.
"dear god no," I cry as I do a mixture of running and swimming as fast as I can over to her.

I can't lose her.


This could be the worst thing I've ever written. This is the chapter I accidentally deleted part two coming soon it was way too long to be 1 part. So stay tuned. 

Love you guys. 

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