Part 50-Back to the Past

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 The darkness of the night seemed to press around him. Luke lighted a couple more candles. He was tired but sleep was like an elusive dream. Getting drunk and passing out lacked appeal. He couldn't keep running away from his feelings. He loved Zena. More than loved. She was his life. He was lost without her. How could he let this happen to him? She was Martin's daughter, for god's sake. The same Martin who was responsible for his parents' broken marriage and his mother's death. When had that ceased to matter? How could he forget the past and fall for Zena? For he had fallen for her, as clearly as the sun rose in the east. At first, he had thought that it was only physical hunger for her body. He should have realized that it was much more when no other woman attracted him. All his body craved and recognized was her touch, her nearness.

He should have acted on it then, but hate was eating into his insides. His thirst for revenge took greater precedence over his feelings for her. It led him to make that diabolical plan to humiliate both father and daughter in one fell swoop. It was only after she left that the reality had hit him. It was her departure from the palace which brought it to him how essential her presence had become for his peace of mind. He had slowly lost his mind, not knowing where she had gone, and where to find her. Still, he had tried to convince himself that he only needed her to satisfy his hunger in bed.

Then, one fine day, he had got word of Martin's whereabouts. Along with that had come the revelation of Wilfred's connivance in plotting against Martin. He had been shocked at first. Why had he fallen so easily into Wilfred's trap? Why had he accepted Martin's culpability so easily? It was his hatred of the man that had led him so easily to believe that Victor Martin was a traitor. He had, in fact, been relieved to know that, so that he could unleash his vendetta against the man. Confiscating his estate and hounding his daughter had been part of his revenge on that family. He hadn't stopped to consider that his daughter was innocent of her father's sins, imagined or otherwise. He had just been waiting to capture and hang her too, maybe make a spectacle of that hanging.

It was on that fateful night, when he had stumbled upon her in that freezing weather, and brought her to Blackwood Manor, that he had seen her for the first time, though he had no idea who she was. One look at her face and that delectable figure had been enough to enthrall him and capture his interest. He had found the beginning of softer feelings for the first time in his life. Never before had he been in love with any woman, though he had had many mistresses. That day, in the log cabin in the woods, when they had made such sweet love, he had been ready to propose marriage to her. He would have done it too, had not Dave come with the devastating news that she was Martin's daughter.

That one piece of information had changed the course of his love. Hate and disgust had raised their ugly head. He could see nothing beyond her identity, not the innocent and artless girl she was. His cruel streak had taken over, and he had thought nothing of throwing her into the dungeons. Could he have seen her hang? Maybe, he could. He had been blinded by revenge. It had taken Nan to persuade him to free her from her incarceration, but he had pounced on the opportunity to drag her into his bed.

His punishment had taken another form, that of her torment in his arms. Luke paled as he recalled the numerous bruises on her body. He had taken such shameless satisfaction from inflicting them on her pearly skin. No wonder, she hated him and refused to even come near him.

Then, that day, when he had gone to visit Martin, not because he was repentant at having accused him wrongly, but because he needed his services to bring Wilfred to book. It was clear as the day that Martin was a brave general, and Zorbia needed his skill to defeat her enemies. In the midst of their conversation, Zena had walked in, clearly pregnant, and indignant at his presence in her home. He had taken one look at her rounded belly and it dawned on him that she was carrying his child. Unrecognized emotions had risen inside him, moving him to propose marriage to her. But fool that he was, he had refused to tell her of his feelings. Instead, he had pompously talked of bloodlines and heirs and even threatened to take away her child from her. His foolishness made him color painfully. He had done everything to kill any love that Zena had for him, and he had done a very good job of that.

Luke sat with his head in his hand. What should he do now? He couldn't undo the past, but he could make amends. But where did he start? He had no idea and nothing came to his mind.

It was at that point, that his gaze fell on his mother's diary. He had avoided it all these months as if it was the plague, but tonight, he was determined to face all his demons. Even the ones that could steal the last happy memories he had of his childhood.

Slowly, his hand reached for the cloth-covered book. For a moment, he felt the weight of it in his hand. With a pounding heart, he turned the first page. The letters seemed to jump at him from the fly leaf. His mother had written her name in a flowing hand. The date pertained to a year when she must have been a budding young woman, about fourteen years of age. As he flipped through the pages, he could see that she had recorded the daily happenings and momentous events of her younger days. Then, slowly, the years had passed, till, on the last page was the entry made on the morning that she died.

Luke braced himself for what he was about to do. He was about to delve into the most private moments of his mother's life. But his mother had meant for him to read it. Martin had told him that he was supposed to give it to him on Zena's eighteenth birthday. What was the connection? What had his mother been thinking?

Of course, by her eighteenth birthday, the war had started between Zorbia and Valeria, and Martin had been on the battlefront. Later, he had been branded a traitor and forced to escape with his life. He had, thus, never got around to handing it to Luke.

Luke settled down against his pillows, then glanced at the first entry. His mother's clear and lucid writing stared at him from the page.

Blackwood Manor, 1697...

Today, my father gifted me this journal. He wants me to write in it from now on. It seems to be a fun idea. Victor was here today for my fourteenth birthday. He had brought lovely flowers and an interesting book about the Orient. What would I do without his friendship? He is the best friend any girl could have. He let me know that he shall be going away to complete his education. He appeared not so enthusiastic to leave. He said that he was loathe to leave me.

The next few entries dealt with her daily routine and the piano lessons she had been taking. Luke's maternal grandfather had been a knight of the realm, and closely related to the royal family of Zorbia. Sophia, his only offspring, had been brought up in Blackwood Manor, which she had inherited when her father had passed away. Throughout her life, she had run to it whenever she had been troubled or upset. Her childhood home had been her refuge and she had written largely about her love for the place.

Luke read through page after page, following the journey of the young girl into womanhood. Sophia had been a fun-loving girl, nothing akin to the melancholy woman he remembered her to be. What had happened that had turned her so drastically into a sad soul? The thought disturbed him. Martin had been her close friend, that much was clear to him, but nowhere could he glimpse any romantic love that Sophia had for him. What was the truth of the scene he had witnessed in the maze, then? Curious, he flipped to the next page.

St. Helene, 1701

I'm so nervous and excited. It is my coming out season. I shall be attending the royal ball at the palace. Mother has chosen a suitable off-shoulder dress for me. She wants me to make an impact on the social circle, and, maybe, land an eligible match.

The Royal Palace, 1701

The ball was such a success, and I met him. Prince Roman, soon to be king. How handsome and suave he is, and so charming. The ladies all but swooned at his sight, but he had eyes only for me. He dances like a dream and is quite witty. I think it is love at first sight. I'm so excited to be staying in the palace. We could meet every day.

Luke let out a deep breath. Such a beautiful love story. What had happened, then, that his mother had come to abhor the sight of his father? What had led to Sophia's disillusionment with her lover? Luke tried to recall the little he remembered about his father. King Roman had mostly been absent, and not really interested in rearing his only son. He had been a distant man, always surrounded by beautiful and gorgeous women.

My god, Luke drew in a deep breath as it became clear to him. Womanizer......

The Traitor's Daughter (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora