Part 20-The Past Resurfaces

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"What do you mean that he escaped?" Lord Wilfred barked at his men.

He had sent them after Martin, and they had returned empty-handed.

"He's wounded badly, so he couldn't have gone far, my lord."

"Why didn't you search the vicinity, you idiots?" he raged at the men who stood with crestfallen faces. "Don't you realize how important it is to get hold of him?"

The leader of the group fell to his feet.

"We did look, my lord, but he had just vanished into the night," he implored.

"If you value your life, you'll get him anyhow that you can. I want him here, and that's what you have to do."

The men nodded, then walked away, their faces determined to accomplish their mission.

It was at this moment that Elaine walked into the study. She looked curiously at the departing men, then at the agitated face of her husband.

"What were they doing here so early? They're the prince's men, aren't they?"

"Just running some errand for his majesty...." he prevaricated.

"Well, it is no business of mine, darling. I came to tell you that the annual ball has been announced. I would need a new dress and a hat."

"What's wrong with your old one?" Wilfred asked, his patience running out. Here he was, worried sick about Martin's escape, and his wife wanted him to take her to a milliner. How could he get some sense into her, he sighed.

"I wore the old one to the races last week, or don't you remember? It would be scandalous if I'm seen in the same dress again."

"Okay, okay, I get it," he said. "I'll settle the bills, but go now and let me take care of my business."

"Your majesty, it is a huge responsibility you're entrusting to me," Dave spoke for the first time. He had been listening to the Prince describe what he wanted for the annual ball.

"But then, I trust you, and that's something I can say for very few men in the court."

"You seem to trust Lord Wilfred, though," Dave commented.

"As I said, he is one of the few that I trust. That's why I appointed him the chief advisor."

"Of course, your majesty knows best."

"That statement seems to say that you don't agree with me. If it's so, you can tell me. You're more of a friend to me, Dave."

"I have always felt that there was something wrong with his take on Lord Martin's matter. I have never known Martin to be dishonest or disloyal, sire," the older man mused.

"Then, I'm afraid you're wrong, my friend. I know that Martin is a scum. I can't wait for him to be captured and hanged at the gallows."

Dave observed the Prince's face. His eyes shone with the force of his hatred for the other man. He had always admired Prince Lucas for his keen intellect and wise decisions, but it was clear that he wasn't thinking open-mindedly about Lord Martin. He wasn't ready to listen to reason, at all.

"Is that why you're punishing his daughter instead?" Dave felt the words leaving his mouth involuntarily.

He had heard the servants whisper about the girl, how she was called to his majesty's bedchamber every night. He knew that Prince Lucas could be cruel when it suited him, and it was obvious that he was making the girl suffer for her father's sins. She had tried to explain about her father, but his majesty had refused to even hear her out. He had never known him to act in such an unfair and high-handed manner.

Instead of answering, the Prince only smiled mockingly, waving a hand for Dave to leave.

Yes, he was punishing her, and still, he wasn't satisfied with it. She would lie there stoically, however roughly he might take her. She would flinch, but she never cried out. Neither with pain nor with pleasure. But he wanted her to beg, just like his mother had begged her father. Why did she deny him the pleasure of hearing her beg? The first time he had seen her, she had looked so fragile, but she was definitely not that. She had nerves of steel. Well, he would just have to up the ante and see if she would break.

"You called me, Nan?" Zena asked the older woman as she opened the door and let her into the comfortably furnished room.

Nan had a suite of rooms in the palace, befitting her station. She had sent word to Zena that she wished to see her. So, here she was.

"Come in my child, and shut the door after you or the cold draft will freeze my bones."

They sat down on the plush couch, and a maid brought in a tea tray. Zena poured out two cups and handed one to Nan, sipping her own hot brew.

Nan's gaze fell on the ugly bruise on her arm, and her lips tightened. She had seen many women go in and out of Luke's life, but she had never seen him behave like this with any of his mistresses. Usually, they could not stop crying when the relationship ended, though they were sent away with money, jewels, and lands.

Why then was he acting like this with Zena? Of course, she had an inkling that it related back to his feelings for his mother. She knew how badly he had taken her death. But then, Queen Sophia had taken her own life. It would have been devastating for any young lad, and Luke had been a sensitive child. There had been so many rumors and so much gossip shrouding her death, that she was sure that it would have wounded that little boy's heart. But that was no excuse to treat any woman like a beast. She would have to talk to him, Nan sighed, disliking the prospect.

Zena cleared her throat, for Nan seemed to be busy with her own thoughts.

"Yes, yes, I remember you, my dear. I called you here because there's something important we must discuss."

Zena nodded and sat to attention.

"The annual ball has been fixed in a fortnight's time, child, and you have to learn to carry yourself as the royal mistress. All of the social circle will be there, and I'm sure, Luke will expect you to be by his side."

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