Part 61- Epilogue

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Zena watched as Luke delivered his speech on the platform in the market square. The crowd cheered on, waving their caps in the air.

Zena breathed a sigh of relief as they climbed into the royal carriage. Luke squeezed her hand in comfort.

"Forget that day, my love. Nothing will happen to me. The enemies of Zorbia are well and truly vanquished."

Zena nodded. She knew that Wilfred was dead, and Valeria had been defeated. They could no longer hurt her or Luke, but her heart trembled every time he went to address his subjects.

The carriage rolled into the driveway of the palace at St. Helene. Nan was waiting for them, a toddler in her arms. The tiny girl, with golden curls and cornflower blue eyes, held out her chubby arms when Luke alighted. He took her from Nan, throwing her up in the air and catching her as she giggled and squealed with joy.

No one looking at her could guess that she had been born prematurely. Mother and daughter had basked in Luke's love and care, while Nan had fattened them up with delicious food. Zena felt a rush of maternal love for her pretty little daughter.

"Here, give her to me," Nan said, taking the child from Luke. "You go and rest, my boy."

Zena walked into the bedchamber with Luke following behind. He shut the door, then pulled her into his arms.

"Careful," she cautioned. Luke had, just the day before, returned from his successful campaign against Valeria, but he had a few wounds that needed tending.

"I don't mind the pain, as long as I get to hold you near," he whispered against her hair, breathing in the heady fragrance of flowers.

"I love you, Zena, more than my own life," he confessed before bestowing a kiss on her upturned lips.

"And I love you, Luke," she mumbled, still shy after two years of marriage.

"Have you forgiven me for the past?"

Zena smiled impishly, shaking her head, and saw his face fall.

"Of course, you are forgiven. You begged on your knees and cried by my bedside. I am not made of stone, Luke. I know when one feels truly sorry, as you do."

Luke felt tears of joy running down his cheeks.

"I want nothing more, my love, but to be with you and my dear daughter. You are the mainstay of my life. I would be lost without you two," Luke said, picking her up in his arms and carrying her to the window seat.

"See, the realm of Zorbia. We'll rule it together, and our children after us. Are you happy, Zena?"

"More than I ever hoped to be, Luke, my love," Zena said turning to him and drawing him into her arms. God had really been kind to her. The traitor's daughter had become the princess of Zorbia, loved beyond words by Prince Lucas Maximilian. What more could one ask for?


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