𝟣.𝟢𝟨: 𝒜𝓌𝓀𝓌𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝒹𝒶𝓉𝑒

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The Once-Ler is stressed out. More people have come to question his credibility. Though none has come to their conclusion, yet. He'll try to find that journalist until it's too late. He has to, but in doing so, he grows tired every day.

The Once-Ler thought about something. He needed a break, he deserved it after all the chaos in Thneedville. Then he remembers the time when he asked his childhood friend, Kristel, if they could hang out. Maybe he should go to her apartment? But everyone will judge him for entering cheaply- Maybe, this time he shouldn't care about people's opinions. He thought, maybe I should go have some fun.

He walked to his closet. What should he wear? He thought, but then laughed. He wore the same clothes every day! He wore the usual suit and was ready to leave. He grabbed his little Truffula pin and placed it in his lapel. He called his men and entered his limo.

"Mister Once-Ler, where are we heading today?" The driver asked. The Once-Ler answered. "Same apartment, last week" The driver nodded.

He finally reached Kristel's apartment. He got out of the limo and started to walk to her room number. He knocked on the door, but there was no immediate answer. He knocked on the door again. She opened the door. She looked exhausted as ever, wearing her sepia pajamas. She groaned and rubbed her eyes.

"Look, I don't want your stuff. Just-" Her eyes widened as she saw him. "Oh! Once-Ler, what are you doing here?" She seems a bit nervous. "Well, remember the offer I gave you last week?" She nodded. "Well... I've been incredibly stressed out recently and..." He continued a monologue. She looked back to her room and made a gesture to someone. The Once-Ler took notice and said, "Hey, Kris, were you even listening?" He seems annoyed. "Oh, uh sorry" She chuckled awkwardly. "Okay... What are you hiding?" He tilted her head. "I'm not hiding anything!" She sighed, "It has just been a tiring day for me." He chuckled, "Seems like we both need a break! Now c'mon" He held her hand, but then she let go. "Maybe we should reschedule this? We could meet up next Saturday. I'm really busy today and..." He shushed her. "C'mon, Kris! This is a one-time opportunity, right here!" He said charmingly, "I mean who wouldn't want to be with the all-famous Once-Ler" He chuckled. She sighed, "Fine, just let me get dressed first." He smiled, "I'll be waiting"

She closed the door as he waited. He didn't have a lot of patience, so it was rare for him to wait for such a long time. The impatient tapped his foot on the floor. Finally, the door opens revealing Kris in a black sleeveless dress, messy brunette bun, yellowish-brown coat, and black tight boots. "Wow... you look..." He thinks of a word. "Depressing?" He shrugs. "Depressing?" She raised an eyebrow. She was confused. "You just have no flash! You look like a professional hobo." She sighed tiredly, "Once-Ler, you're wearing your sleeves underneath your gloves." He made an offended gasp. "My point still stands."

"Maybe we could shop for your new clothes! Something flashy! Something colorful!" He sounds enthusiastic. She sighs again. He offered her his hand, she placed her hand on his. He squeezed her hand and started to lead her to his limo. She gasped at the sudden movement. "Be faster, Kris! You were always faster than me!" He teased her. She was trying to keep up, but due to his immediate head start, she was tripping at almost every step they made.

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