something beautiful

460 24 10

Suho and Soojin both got out of their world because of the ringing of suho  phone . Soojin removed suho hand from her face and broke the contact . suho quickly stood up and checked the id and found lim jukyung is calling him . suho looked towards Soojin who was looking down towards her hands .

Suho goes into the kitchen and answers the call . lim jukyung asks him why it takes him too much time to answer the call . suho just simply answers that he was taking the shower . She asks him if he wants to go to hang out with her and her group of friends which are obviously his friends also  but suho just simply answers her that he has to do his homework which is not a complete lie because he has to but he has to with soojin right now , she needed him more ,but lim jukyung didn't stop there and wanted to come to him but suho just simply said no and told her that she should also focus more in her studies and forget all about this hang out . jukyung just become angry and shout at him that he doesn't care about her and cut the call .

Suho didn't know what to do with that girl , she is becoming more aggressive day by day . he put his phone back on the kitchen counter and took a first aid and goes back towards soojin who is just simply staring at blank space .

Suho pov
I go towards her and take the ointment from the first aid box and started apply it on her face and she flinch when I touch her face and look towards me but I doesn't care much and continue apply cream on her face and I went towards her led to apply ointment there which already started turning blue but I look towards her for the permission and she nod her head and apply ointment there.

I have done applying ointment and then look towards her and she is looking towards me with tears streaming down from her face abd I got confuse .  I ask het what happens and is she hurting somewhere else . she just shake her head and look away from me . abd then I realised nobody take care for her like that , nobody look after her when she is in pain even him who is her bestfriend from childhood doesn't care .

Suho didn't think much and went towards soojin and hug her suddenly . Soojin got surprise from the sudden hug from suho because he is not very affectionate person .

She doesn't respond to his hug and just sat there thinking what just happened and when she come on her senses , she pushed him away . suho was shocked with Soojin sudden change in attitude . he didn't understand why she push him away .

Soojin started greeting off from the sofa and reach towards her bag but before she carry her beg , suho held her wrist and ask her where she is going . Soojin doesn't reply and starts struggling to  remove her wrist from suho hold and then suddenly suho turn her towards her and again ask her where she is going . Soojin can't able to handle more told him thay she has to attend her tution classes .

Suho looks towards her like she has grown two horns and told her that's" you are going no where in this condition , you can't even walk properly " . she said to him that she can manage herself and he doesn't need to show him false care in which all he cares about his girlfriend .

Suho just can't handle more and lift soojin in bridal style and take her to his room and he put her on his bed . dues to this there is sudden rush of pain near soojin abdomen and she curled up in a ball . suho look towards her and fells guilty that due to him soojin is in lot pain ( but he doesn't know that it is because of soojin father ) . suho goes towards her and take her face between her palm and ask her what happened . soojin doesn't reply and clench her stomach hard to reduce pain. Suho looks towards soojin hand and see how she is clenching her stomach .

He wanted to check but it is innapropriate for him to do that without her permission . he again look towards soojin and ask for her permission to check on her and soojin just nod her head with tears streaming down her face due to sudden pain.

Suho slowly and carefully lift soojin up to make her lay on his bed carefully and then took her jacket off and ask soojin where she in pain . soojin point towards her lower abdomen and  he slowly start unbuttoning soojin shirt . he wants to close his eyes but he can't check on her by that and when he finally done unbuttoning her shirt . he looks towards soojin and gulp . soojin look away from him because of the pink blush forming on her face finding herself and suho in this condition . suho averted her gaze from smile slightly seeing shy soojin .

He examine her abdomen and saw a lot of bruises there and one is fresh . tears started flowing from his eyes seeing how miserable her life is . how she has to bear her father torture everyday and how despite of being her friend can't do anything because he just get involved in his life and his sadness and never priortise her and she after handling all these torture still care for him .

Suho without thinking more get up from there and bring first aid Box and start treating her wound and when he touch ointment to her bruise , soojin flinch due to sudden pain . suho can't be able to see her in pain quickly finish his work and when he is done he help soojin to get up and help her to sit and start closing her buttons again .

All this time soojin just looks towards suho face with tearful eyes and thinking why suddenly he started caring about her but she is happy that someone is caring for her but she doesn't know for how long it is but that doesn't matter now , all now matter is she has someone who cares about her at this moment  .

Suho looks towards soojin and she is already looking towards him with tears flowing down her eyes . he doesn't know what come into him but he found doing it right at that moment . he goes near soojin and kiss her eyes to stop tears from flowing down and then he kiss her another eye and then her cheeks and when he reach towards her lips , he stop fir a moment to look towards soojin but he found her eyes close and her face calm so he without any hesitation press his lips to her . soojin doesn't respond first so he started moving back thinking he did wrong but soojin suddenly grab her collar and kiss him back passionately. Both are closing their eyes , soojin move her hand to suho hairs and Suho moves his hand to soojin waist and they both fall on the bed . suho is above soojin . suho bit her lips to enter his tongue and soojin open her mouth to give him permission . they both kiss each like there is no tomorrow and break apart for the air .

See you in next chapter 😁. Votes and comments are appreciated .

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