The Beginning of Revenge

Start from the beginning

"One more move and I'll cut ya throat free from your decomposing neck." Rissa spit at the ground, cursing at her accent as it made its debut. Her free hand found its way to the man's shoulder and bit down, her nails sinking into the cloth of the man's shirt. "What kind of stupidity have you unleashed on this world now, Frandril?"

Frandril was a tall man, though most men looked quite short next to Rissa. His head stopped just under her chin, his mess of hair tickling at her, a sensation she could see herself enjoying, were it any other man. His beard grew in patches but luckily grew enough to hide most of his decaying teeth. He was a brave man but as stupid as they could come without reaching the point of burden. Despite his drawbacks, he was an excellent cook and axeman. His axes were an extension of his arms, looking weightless when he threw them about. His arms held perfectly still, his right hand firmly gripping the arrow just beneath its head. As still and solid as he stood, Rissa could still feel the shiver of fear that ran down his spine.

"Will ye answer me or have ye become as lame as a dead man's cock?" She pressed her fingernails into his shoulder harder, feeling a satisfying pop as the material broke.

"I...we was just having a bit of fun, me lady." He nervously muttered.

"A bit of fun that has cost me a scout. Yer mother must have dropped ye on ye head as a child. That or ye wish for death." Rissa's words sliced through the men like a knife, shaking the group as a whole and forcing the injured man to cry out.

Without a single word of warning, Rissa threw Frandril to the dirt, swung her sword down on the arrow shaft, and yanked it through the man's back. He groaned in pain and slumped down to his knees as the man holding him let go in surprise. Rissa reached down and pulled him back up. "To the healer with you." She shoved him away and rounded on the two left standing before her.

She took a couple of breaths, using the moment to stick the tip of her sword into the ground at her feet. "Out with it." She spat, grateful that her accent disappeared once again.

"We was..." Rissa cuffed Frandril on the back of the head, forcing his silence as she looked down at the other man. He was relatively new to their warband. He was young but strong, his arms bearing most of his muscle. His chest was wide and hard, usually standing bare except on nights like tonight, when the wind carried a chill as sharp as her blade. His hair fell down his back, fair in color and braided to keep it from becoming snagged.

"Frandril bet him that he could shoot an apple from the top of his head. He turned at the last second and the arrow struck through his shoulder. Would have pierced his heart had he not turned in fear." Dreck said. Dreck was a fine ranger, hardly ever missing his mark. Frandril, however, was shit with a bow. "I stepped in to try and remove the arrow, malady but, the coward wouldn't hold still."

Rissa gave a nod. "Well fine position you've put us in, Frandril. Down a scout while we hunt for my father's killer. I'd have liked it to have been you shot or dead, one last ass to have to trudge around behind us, consuming our rations." Rissa thought for a moment. "Aye. Frandril you'll be stepping in as scout. Pray to the Gods that you'll be struck down with a better-aimed arrow than your own." With a wave of her hand, she dismissed the two. The look of shock on Frandril's face was more than enough to tell her she had selected her punishment for him well. He hated not being surrounded by others but the lesson would be good for him, so long as he doesn't waste it.

Rissa pulled her sword from the dirt and tossed it to the weaponsmith, who caught it and nodded. It wasn't until then that Rissa realized her naked body was feeling the cold. Silently, she strode back to her tent, dismissing the maid who had awakened at the sound of the scuffle, dressed herself, and slid into the woods. She walked along, her hand resting gently on the hilt of the knife sheathed behind her back. She had neglected to grab her cloak despite the chilly air and was beginning to regret it until her eyes caught sight of the pond.

The dark waters rippled in the moonlight, shining like silver and reflecting the sky with perfect admiration. No fish were jumping and hardly any bugs seemed to be hanging about, the lone hoot of an owl echoed across the empty land. Her hand slid from her knife as she stared at the sparkling surface of the water. It made her think of the woman in her dream, the way her eyes sparkled with silver and gold flecks.

That girl. That girl was something else. A goddess if she walked the lands for sure. Rissa had never had a fully sexual dream about the woman but she never needed to. Just the few moments she does have with the woman is enough for her. Of course, there's nothing wrong with the maids she brings into her bed from time to time. They are all beautiful creatures but, there was just something otherworldly about this dream woman. Something deep and lasting that she didn't believe she would ever actually find.

Rissa stooped and picked up a small stone, pulling her arm back and tossing it, watching it bounce over the surface of the water before sinking into its silver depths. She needed to be focusing on the woman that killed her father, not the woman she would never actually find.

Rissa sank to the bank of the pond, her eyes falling finally to the ground beneath her. She wasn't ashamed as she let the tears roll down her cheeks. She hadn't expected life to become this. Her leading an army of men to hunt down a small woman. If it weren't going to be a testament to her strength as a ruler, she would just lead her warband home to Thayer. She sighed as she thought of her home. Memories passed through her skull as her eyes gazed up at the stars. After several long moments, Rissa pulled herself to her feet. She was not going to sleep so, her men would be awake alongside her. It was time to move if they were going to be useless.

Striding back into camp, she tossed a command over her shoulder, telling them to wake and gather around the fire. Rissa slipped back into her tent and roused the sleeping maid, telling her to dress and begin taking down the tents and preparing the horses. The girl clutched her clothing to her body as she ran out the flap and began issuing orders.

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