Games day

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We have a couple of days off after our loss to Australia. Then we go back to prepare for our game against Man Utd on Wednesday. Not sure this game should of been rescheduled for then as we have the Champions League semi final coming at the weekend. Chelsea didn’t have to play but then I suppose there is nothing we can do about it and just have to carry on.

Lia Walti didn’t play in the second game of the international break due to mental health reasons.

Today Me, Leah and Beth are going over to hers for a game’s afternoon. Just try and take her mind off things. Maybe this will help Leah’s mind set as well.

We get to Leah’s at around 3pm, Leah brought a couple of games and so did me and Beth.

We opted to play a knockout tournament of battleships first. Leah and Lia love playing this game together. We pick out our first opponents by picking a name out of a hat. Lia picks first and she pulls out Beth’s name so that means that I’m playing Leah in the second match up.

Beth and Leah are the more competitive ones out of the four of us. So, they are riling each other up like you would expect. Me and Lia just laugh at them.

Lia gets the game ready and she said “come on then Beth let’s see what you have got”

Me and Leah are sat on the sofa just watching the game go by. The room goes silent for about 5 minutes while they are playing and I just burst out laughing. The three of them look at me, then Beth says “why are you laughing?”

“I wasn’t expecting this games day to be so serious” I said

Lia laughed and said “I thought you knew these two better than that”

“I should really shouldn’t I” I said

Beth and Lia got back to their game. It gave me a chance to have a little chat with Leah. I nudged her she looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I said “how are you now?”

“I’m ok, I got it out my system. Need to move my focus to Man utd now” Leah said

I said “good I’m glad”

Lia beat Beth she was so disappointed. Then Leah beat me. They set up for the last game and I said “It’s LW against LW which one will win”

They all looked at me and Leah said “your an idiot, I would of expected that off Beth”

I shrugged my shoulders and said “maybe she is rubbing off one me”

Beth pushed me and said “hey, your meant to stick up for me not agree”

I said “I’m sorry babe she was right though” and I smiled at her.

Lia made a vomiting noise and said “you make me sick”

We all started laughing. Leah and Lia played their game and Lia ended up winning. I was surprised then Leah said “I knew I wouldn’t win she always beats me; I don’t get it”

Lia laughed and said “because your predictable, you always put your pieces in similar places”

We ended up having a goodnight. We played a couple more games, I don’t think I even won one but that’s not why I went. Beth and I left at about 9 but Leah stayed.

Dani Scott 2022/2023 season - A Leah Williamson storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora