Comfort from a friend

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Last night I watched the movie with everyone else. I sat with Alessia. I wanted to sit with Lucy but she was sat with Keira, Leah and Jordan and I couldn’t face them right now. When we got back to the room I went straight to bed. I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up it was still early, Alessia was already sat up awake. She looked over at me and said “Morning, tell me to butt out if you want to but are you ok, I heard you crying last night”

I said “’not really. Leah and I broke up a couple of days ago”

“Do you want to talk about it” she asked

I said “I don’t think I’m ready to but thanks”

“When you are you know where I am” she said

I smiled and said “thank you”

Alessia got up to get ready. I sat there for a couple of minutes and just thought to myself and I text the only person who I knew I could find comfort in.

Dani- Morning x

It was early so I wasn’t expecting a reply straight away but I got one

Beffy- Morning, how you doing x

Dani- I don’t know tbh, what about you x

Beffy- The same really x

Dani- can I ask you something x

Beffy- yeah of course x

Dani- soon as neither of us has a valentine will you be mine 😁x

Beffy- of course 🥰x

Dani- I have to get ready for training but I’ll text you later 💕x

Beffy- I’ll be waiting 💕x

After we got ready, we both went down to breakfast. But instead of sitting with Alessia like yesterday I went and sat at a table by myself. I could see the other girls walk in one by one but I just kept my head down so no one came to sit with me until someone did. They didn’t say anything but I could feel them staring at me so I looked up it was Lucy. She said “hey, moody much”

“I’m sorry. It’s a bit hard to be in a good mood right now” I said

She said “you have been ok the last couple of days. Getting along really well with Alessia”

“she’s my roommate” I said

She asked “what’s going on Dan”

“We broke up. She didn’t tell you” I said

Lucy said “nah she didn’t. She has been pretty quiet to be honest. You two can’t work things out”

“I doubt it, I don’t really want to talk about it. I feel like my heart is in a million pieces right now. Just trying to get through each day as best as I can” I said

We had a good training session today. After Sarina spoke to me and said that FIFA were happy with the tests I had taken at Arsenal and I am able to play. I was over the moon with this.

I got back to the room. I left the door open as pretty much everyone at camp did unless we were sleeping. I lay on my bed and called Beth. She answered pretty quickly she said “ahh my valentine”

I said “my valentine” and I smiled. Then I said “how was your rehab session”

Beth said “yeah was pretty good. I’m going well I think”

“Good that’s what I like to hear. You seen Viv” I asked

Beth said “Yeah, she wants to talk but I’m not sure that I want to. She said some pretty hurtful things”

“Maybe she wants to apologise” I said

“Maybe. Anyway, how was training” She asked. Clearly she doesn’t want to talk about Viv

I said “Yeah was a good session. I spoke to Sarina after and she told me that FIFA said that I can play”’

“yes, come on” she said

This made me laugh I said “I miss you not being here”

“I miss not being there” she said

I said “I feel like a part of me is missing”

She laughed and said “no you don’t” she then said “I have to go. My Dad is calling me”

I said “ok, I’ll talk to you later”

“Love you” Beth said

“I love you too” I said. We both put the phone down.

I saw Leah appear from just outside the room. She came in and looked around. She said “with the way you have been talking I thought you was talking to Alessia”

I looked at her and said “does it even matter who I was talking to”

“she’s your ex. You two split up for a reason. Your on the verge of getting back together” Leah said

I said “Firstly me and Alessia are friends that is allowed. Secondly, even if we were. It would have nothing to do with you”

“We only just split up” she said

“I’m not getting back with her Le, Calm down”

“Who were you talking to” she asked

“Not that I have to tell you but I was talking to Beth” I said

Leah looked at me and said “oh, sorry” then she got up and walked out of my room.

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