Contract signing

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Today I’m going to sign my contract at Arsenal

I’m sitting on the sofa in the living room drinking a coffee when Beth walks through. She says “Morning Dan, you excited for today?”

I replied “yeah” But my face was saying no

“what’s the matter” She asked

“nothing” I said

Beth said “I can tell it’s not nothing, Your being pretty short with me”

“I’m sorry. I feel like Leah is avoiding me” I said

“You haven’t spoken to her” Beth asked

“Not really. She replied to a couple of my texts but I’ve called her a couple of times and she hasn’t answered” I said

“I’m sure she will call you soon” Beth said

I replied “Well I hope so she was meant to be coming with me today. Let me try and call her now”

Beth walked into the kitchen. I’m assuming to make coffee as she has just got up.

I picked my phone up from the sofa next to me and pressed call when I found Leah’s number.

She didn’t pick up. So I decided to text her

Dani- Morning Le, can you call me please. Are you still coming with me today? x

Leah💕- I’m sorry Dani. I can’t make it today. I will call you later x

Dani- Ok x

Beth came back into the room handing me a fresh coffee. I said “Thanks”

She said “Did Leah answer”

“No, I text her. She text me back saying she can’t make it” I said

“I’m sure she has a good reason. She knows today is important to you” Beth said

I replied “I guess so” I finished my coffee and went to get ready for my day.

When I was ready, I walked back through to grab my car keys off the table. Beth was dressed and standing up looking at me “Why are you standing there like that” I asked

“I’m coming with you” Beth said

“I thought you had plans with Viv today” I asked

She replied “I do but I told her we will do them later”

“You don’t have to Beth” I said

“I do. You need someone with you today” Beth said

I smiled at her and said “Thank you”

“I’m your best friend. I’m here when you need me to be”

Half an hour later Beth pulled into London colney, Arsenal’s training ground. Where I would be signing my contract and being shown around. We went into the reception. I spoke to the lady behind the desk and I said “Hi, I’m Dani Scott I’m here to see Jonas”

Receptionist “Oh yes. I’ll get someone to show you to his office”

Beth said “I can show her. I’m going with her anyway”

Receptionist “Thanks Beth that’s perfect”

Beth then led the way to Jonas office. She knocked on the door. Jonas shouted for us to come in.

Beth opened the door and I walked in first. Jonas came from behind the desk and said “Hi Dani, Nice to meet you” We shook hands and he said “Hi Beth, Good to see you”

Dani Scott 2022/2023 season - A Leah Williamson storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin