Telling Wally

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The team travelled to Germany today we got here a couple of hours ago. We are just about to complete our last training session before tomorrow nights game.

I lucked out with my roommate for this trip. I got Lia Walti, she doesn’t seem to be in the best head space right now. I know that some of the other girls are trying to look out for her to.

Our training session went well, we were ready. I was walking to the changing room after the session when Leah shouted “Dani”

I stopped and turned. She ran over to me and said “I was thinking that we could do a small movie night tonight. You, me, Lia, Steph and Jen. To try and cheer Lia up a bit”

“Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Shall we use mine and Lia’s room” I said

Leah said “Is that ok”

“Yeah, it’s fine. Have you spoken to Lia” I asked

“No not yet” she said

I said “Let’s get back to the hotel, We can all shower. I’ll tell her and I’ll text you when you guys can come to the room”

“Thanks Dani” Leah said

“no worries. She’s a friend and she needs it” I said

When we got back to the room I said to Lia “you ok if some of the girls come and watch a movie, they want to come and cheer you up”

Lia said “who”

“Leah, Steph and Jen” I said

“Yeah, that’s ok” she said

“I’ll tell them to come in about an hour then” I said. Lia went into the shower and got ready so I text Leah.

Dani- Hey Le, Lia is up for it. Come around in about an hour x

Leah- Hey, No worries. See you soon x

The girls came to the room to watch a movie, we watched pitch perfect to try and keep spirits up.

We all had a good night. The girls left to go back to their rooms. I was lying in bed and so was Lia we were watching friends on the tv till we were tired enough to sleep. Then I got a notification on my phone I checked it, it made me smile then Lia asked “is that one of the girls checking in again”

“Nah it’s just Beth” I said. I read the text it said

Beffy 💗- Hey, have you got 5 minutes to call me xx

After reading I said “I’ll be back soon. I’m just gonna call Beth”

I left the room and called Beth. She answered pretty quickly. She said “Hey”

“Hi baby, are you ok” I asked

She said “yeah, I had a run in with Viv. She’s just making it so hard to tell her”

“You don’t have to tell her yet, just let things settle for a bit. What did she do?” I said

“Just saying about how I hurt her when I slept with her that last time. I just wish she would let it go” she said

I said “you made a mistake, people do. When things settle, I’m sure she will understand”

“I know it’s just hard we have to spend so much time together because of rehab, I just wish that we could be friends” Beth said

“I know you do and you will get there but it will take time. Your strong and you will get through it. You know I’m gonna be there when you need me to be. I know that things will get easier for everyone and then we can be out the way I know we both want to be. But however long it takes it doesn’t matter, it will happen” I said

Beth said “how do you always make me feel better”

“I suppose it’s because I know you and I know that you just needed a bit of reassurance” I said

“I think I did but also, I think I just needed to hear your voice. I miss you” Beth said

I said “I miss you too, I can’t wait to get back home”

“Me either, I better let you sleep though. Night baby” Beth said

I said “Night babe”

I went back into the room; I got back into bed. Lia said “Is she ok?”

I said “yeah she just had a run in with Viv”

Then Lia said “and she needed to talk to her girlfriend to make her feel better”

“what?” I said

“You think I didn’t see your face light up when you got that text. You can tell me you know” Lia said

“She is my girlfriend but it’s new and no one knows yet. We need to tell Leah and Viv first but Viv isn’t taking the break up well so putting this on top of that I don’t think is a good idea” I said

“I think your doing the right thing. I won’t say anything to anyone” Lia said

“Thanks Lia” I said

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