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Grusha: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.

Rika: You and me!

Grusha, tearing up: Okay...


Victor: Can you keep a secret?

Bede: Do you know anything about my life?

Victor: ...No I don't. Good point.


Nemona: There's something weird going on with your face.

Penny: What?

Nemona: You're smiling. I didn't know you could do that!


Grimsley: So, which one of you is the big spoon and the little spoon?

Will: Neither!

Karen: We are chopsticks.

Grimsley: That's kinda cute, does that mean you nestle together perfectly?

Karen: No, it just means that if you take either of us away from each other, the only thing the other is good at is stabbing.


Irida: What are those dead bodies doing there!?

Ingo: Honestly? Not much.


Laventon: Why are you standing on your desk?

Cyllene: This is my office! I stand where I please!

Laventon: *Sigh* Where's the Wurmple?

Cyllene: By the door, can you please get rid of it-


Piers: In light of what you did today, you can hug me for four to five seconds.




Marnie: *Sigh*

Gloria: You bored?

Marnie: Yeah...

Gloria: Wanna start drama for no reason?

Marnie: I thought you'd never ask.


Brassius: I'm sad...

Hassel, extending his arms: I have emotional cables on me. I can boost you! You just need to attach them like so...

Brassius: But... this is just a hug.

Hassel: Is it working?

Brassius: ...Yeah.


Rosa: Name a way to be nice to others.

Nate: Don't kill them!

Rosa: Setting the bar a little low, but I'll allow it.

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