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Ten years ago today, Pokemon X and Y were released

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Ten years ago today, Pokemon X and Y were released. These games just so happened to be the first Pokemon games I ever played when I got my first 3DS back in 2014 for Christmas. Sure, these games aren't perfect, but I feel like they're definitely overhated.

X and Y were the whole reason why I wanted a 3DS so badly. I would watch the anime every morning before school, and had already been collecting the cards for a good amount of time at that point. And I vividly remember the moment I chose Chespin as my partner Pokemon.

I really wish I could've made something a bit more elaborate for such an occasion, but I wanted to actually be able to finish this on time, so this is all I got lol.

I was also planning on doing a Pokemon X nuzlocke as a sort of celebration, but considering I'm still going through White AND Alpha Sapphire, I think I'll delay that to a later date.

Anyway uhhh congrats to Yveltal for being literally the best box legendary ever and it's not even CLOSE-

Pokemon Shenanigans and WhatnotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin