Lunar Eclipse

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Hi gamers, I hope y'all are ready for my first ever actual story here, starring my fave mythical Pokemon!! Yippee!!! I wrote this all yesterday, but then I decided that it sucked so I rewrote most of it today lol.

Just a disclaimer that this takes place in an AU where Pokemon are human (I haven't made any gijinka designs yet but I'll definitely post them soon.) Also this story takes place a while after the events of Legends Arceus I think. I honestly haven't really figured that out yet but it definitely takes place in the past lmao.

Okay I need to stop rambling and jUST GET ON WITH THE ACTUAL STORY GOD DAMN IT-


7/13/24 edit: Haha wow this is hot garbage 😀 Idk maybe I'll rewrite this at some point, or maybe I might not. But yeah uhhhh this story kinda sucks fyi.



It was all he knew.

It was he was.

It seemed as though no matter where Darkrai went, darkness would follow close behind. It was like a curse he'd been forced to endure ever since his creation, a curse that would lead him to be ostracized by those around him. He desperately tried to escape from the torment, but he never found a place that would truly accept him. He was only ever met with fear and malice.

Stories and myths were passed down generations, depicting Darkrai's merciless wrath as he hunted down helpless victims and haunted them with horrific nightmares. Unable to wake up, they lie motionless as Darkrai consumes their life force, thus trapping them within their nightmares eternally. As such, Darkrai was unanimously feared as a monster.

Of course, those stories were simply untrue. Darkrai was certainly not a monster. And yet, these stories spread like wildfire, creating mass hysteria throughout the world. Everyone was terrified that Darkrai may come for them next, even though he never even used his nightmare-inducing ability unless he was in critical danger, especially since he didn't even have full control of his own power.

How ironic it was that Darkrai couldn't even reverse the effects of his own power. That gift was instead granted to the Heavenly Maiden, Cresselia. With the power of just one of her Lunar Feathers, anyone would instantly wake up from their nightmares. Naturally, it was believed that the duo had a standard hero and villain dynamic, with Cresselia as the good guy and Darkrai as the bad guy. Simple enough, right? Obviously not.

Nevertheless, the world had made up its mind about Darkrai. Unable to find anywhere else to go, he ended up running away to the desolate Newmoon Island. Somewhere he knew not a single person resided, meaning that no one would ever be at risk of getting hurt.

He vowed to only leave the island on nights of a new moon in order to gather any resources the island lacked. But even when taking those precautions, it unfortunately didn't prevent more incidents from occurring. Anyone who spotted him that didn't immediately run would ambush him, in hopes of taking him down for good. Of course, no one ever came anywhere close to Darkrai's strength, but that wasn't the point. After everything he tried, he still brought disaster with him wherever he went.

Worst of all, what did Cresselia think of all of this? Surely, she wouldn't be happy seeing him putting curses on so many innocent people, even if he truly didn't want to. Darkrai assumed that she must feel some kind of animosity towards him. The two of them didn't speak very often, so he couldn't know for sure. But everyone else despised him, so why would she be any different?

Even so, Darkrai couldn't help but admire Cresselia. A part of him felt like he was supposed to hate her, but that was only our of an unsure obligation to measure up to the legends about him. He couldn't muster up any truly bitter feelings about her. Cresselia was revered as a savior of the night, bringing the light of the moon to those that had fallen into the darkness. She was the only one who could fix all the problems he caused. She was the one who always saved those who succumbed to the shadows.

Perhaps she could even save Darkrai himself.

No, of course not. That's a ludicrous thought. Not even someone as pure of heart as Cresselia would even consider doing such a thing. As much as Darkrai yearned for salvation, he knew that this curse would most certainly be a burden that he'd have to carry until the end of time. It was a painful truth that he had to accept.

And so, days and weeks became months and years as Darkrai remained hidden away on Newmoon Island. He almost never left the island anymore, not wanting to run into any more confrontations. Having practically no one else to talk to for so long had nearly driven him into madness, but as long as he wasn't putting anyone in danger, did it really matter how he felt?

His mere existence had brought nothing but anguish to everyone. Even after everything he tried to better himself, everything he did to try and get people to understand him, it all ended in vain. Darkrai felt as though he had no choice but to just... give up. He was hopeless.

Alone and utterly hopeless.


So fun fact: I wrote pretty much all of this while listening to Faded by Alan Walker on repeat. So that may explain why this is so, y'know... cringe. Lol.

Don't worry I already have a second chapter in the works that'll hopefully be a lot better since it's gonna have actual dialog in it so it won't just be a shit ton of giant paragraphs full of nonsense! That'd be pretty cool huh!?

Anyway I'm going to bed now lol

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