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Quinn watched as the brunette stared down at her bite. Not being able to read the expression in her face killed her.

"Say something please."

"Quinn I'm-"  Right on cue the sound of infected was heard down the tunnel.

"Dammit. We gotta go." Quinn stands up. "Holy fuck that's a lot of them." 

They waste no time and take off. Ellie stabs an infected going after Quinn. "Don't look back. Keep fucking running."

Quinn did as told and they were able to make it past the subway station entrance gate.

"Ellie watch out." Quinn yells as one of the infected slip out the gate going straight for the brunette. Before it could sink it's teeth into the girl Quinn used her arm to push him off the infected sank it's teeth in her arm and she yelled.

"Fuck." Quinn kicked the infected off her. Ellie shoots it in the head and it drops down.

"Shit shit."

Quinn wasn't exactly sure how they made it out but they did. The girl fell on her knees, her hands touching the grass.

"We gotta get keep moving. Come on we can go in that theater. We gotta get you patched up."

At that moment Quinn didn't care about taking care of her wound she was just glad the girl holding on to her didn't shoot her after getting bitten. "Does this mean you won't kill me."

"Why would I do that." Ellie let's out a laugh. "Well that's how most people would normally react to you telling them you're immune."

"Yeah well I'm different." Ellie huffs struggling to carry the girl. "Okay here we go."

Ellie let's go of Quinn to open the door of the theater. "Ok we're good."

Ellie carefully cleaned Quinn's wound. "Fuck that stings."

"Stay still." Ellie concentrated.

"Sorry." Quinn muttered.

"We gotta get this covered up." Ellie spoke standing up from one of the theater chairs. Quinn watched Ellie unbutton her flannel and take it off. Her eyes trailed down her body and she swallowed.

"Nice tattoo by the way." She let out a nervous laugh.

"About that." Ellie sighed ripping a peice of the shirt to wrap around Quinn's arm.

"In the train tunnel when you told me you were immune..." Ellie's brows furrowed and Quinn felt her heart speed up. "Yeah?"

"I was shocked yeah, but not because I didn't believe you. It's just. I-" Ellie struggled to find the right words.

"You can tell me anything." Quinn whispered, her hand instinctively reaching for the brunette's.

"I thought I was the only one." Ellie breathed out. Quinn looked at the girl confused. "Only one?"

"Who was immune."

Ellie finally looked up her green eyes watering. "I want to tell you..." Ellie paused for a second before continuing "Everything. About Joel and me."

And so she did. Ellie told Quinn everything. Every last detail of her trip to the fireflies and Joel. She told her about how she found out she was immune. She told her about Henry and the underground sewers. She told her the good and the bad. The arguments between her and Joel and how she hated him for a long time for what he did. And how she hated herself for hating him.

"I never did get fully fix things with him. I had just finally started to be able to forgive him and then..." Ellie cried out and buried her head against Quinn chest. The raven haired girl tended for a second at the sudden action before allowing her self to comfort her.

After You (Ellie Williams)Where stories live. Discover now