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She hoped nobody would be there and to her advantage there wasn't. Most guards were stationed outside.

Quinn made her way trough the building until she heard a few voices arguing. One of them she recognized. She knew it all to well. Quinn's heart sped up in fear as she heard them argue about Ellie's life.

"No let's talk to her figure out what she know!" Jordan yelled and Quinn knew why exactly he wanted her alive.

"You sadistic fuck!" Quinn yelled shooting her gun. The bullet went right trough his arm. She wanted him to turn around. She wanted him to know that in the end she killed him. Without hesitation Jordan aimed his gun at her and Ellie yelled.

"Quinn run." The raven haired girl did as told and ran behind some cover.

"Get that little bitch." Jordan yelled at the other man with them. "Wait. You guys said she was died, Isaac is gonna be pissed."

"Fuck!" Jordan cursed before a gunshot was heard.

Quinn peeked her head out scared of finding out whom Jordan had shot. She felt immediately relieved when she saw Ellie struggling to get loose from the corner of her eye. All of a sudden it made sense why they didn't take her along. If they did, then they would've know she was alive. Their lie would've been exposed to Isaac. Her eyes traveled to the dead man's body in the floor. Jordan had killed him to keep her being alive a secret from the group. Not a lot of people knew what she looked like. This person obviously did.

"Quinn!" The brunette called out. Her struggle to get loose proved to be useless.

"Come out here Quinn!" Jordan yelled waving his gun in the air.  Before she could think of a plan Jordan found her.

"There you are." His eyes as sadistic as she remembered.

"Fuck you!" Quinn yelled and tackled him to the ground. The girl pulled out her knife and stabbed him on his shoulder. Jordan pushed her off him and her body collided with the concrete floor. It was a back and fourth fight between the two. Finally Quinn got the upper hand and she straddled him on the ground. Her knife sank into the side of his neck.

"Bastard." Were the last words Jordan heard as she watched his eyes go dull. Quinn quickly grabbed the knife from his neck and cut Ellie loose.

"Are you okay?" Quinn checked the girl for any wounds in a panic.

"You came for me." Ellie said surprised and Quinn laughed. "Yeah, I did."

Before they could even get their thoughts together two men burst trough the doors.

"Shit they must've heard the gun shots we need to get out of here." Ellie mutters grabbing Quinn's hand to pull her along.

"It's too many of them." Quinn struggles to speak out of breath from running. Everywhere they turned they were met with soldiers. 

"We got to get out of here."

"Behind you." Quinn yelled shooting her gun. The body of a guard immediately dropped. "This way come on."

They seemed to run for what seemed forever. The deeper they went into the building the more cornered they got.

"Scars?" The voice of one of the soldiers echoes. "I don't know."

Both the girls hid behind a desk waiting to attack. Ellie mad the first move attacking a woman from behind. He knife effortlessly sinking into her neck. The brunette carefully set the woman's body down while Quinn waited for the green light before moving forward. Quinn watched as Ellie grabbed the guards gun from her hands.

"Trespassers!" A guard yelled spotting them. He quickly tackled Ellie and Quinn struggled to aim between the two. She quickly settled for her knife in fear of accidentally shooting the wrong person

After You (Ellie Williams)Where stories live. Discover now