9. First Day

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Shivers rolled down Maras spine as she slowly turned around to look at the dominating figure. In front of her stood an easily well over 6ft Man with dark nearly black slightly wavy hair and tan skin.

He had a cigarette hanging from his lips, as he ran his eyes up and down Mara, stopping on her torso. Mara looked down confused, cheeks going bright tomato red as she realised her coat had come undone and this strange man has a direct view of her pale skin.

"What are you doing out here baby? Aren't you supposed to be on stage?" The attractive man smirked as he leisurely spoke. Mara nodded in panic and spoke nervously "Mmh yep, that's where I'm supposed to be, so if you don't mind I'm just gonna.." Mara used her thumb to signal back to the window she had previously rolled out of.

Mara grabbed onto the window sill and started to pull herself back into the club, panting and sweating as she failed miserably.

After a few minutes of trying, she felt an arm wrap around her waist and the mysterious man threw her over his shoulder and walked towards the door next to the window that had 'back entrance' written on it in italics.

Mara sighed at her stupidity and accepted her place on the terrifying mans shoulder, despite the slight rush of fear she felt at the prospect of going back into the club.

A few minutes later he dropped her off in front of a wrung out, distressed looking Mog. "Lost a dancer?" The man questioned

"Thanks Boss, this one is very slippery." Mog stated, giving Mara the stink eye and grabbing her arm, this time with a lot more pressure than before. The tall, dark man simply nodded and turned away, walking back into the depths of the club.

Ignoring Mara's clear discomfort , Mog pulled her up onto the stage and gave her an annoyed look. "You're on"

Maras legs shook as she looked around and was instantly blinded by the bright lights all around her.
As she stood there shaken to her very core, a sudden burst of confidence came over her and her body started moving itself to the music in the background (Fight Song by Rachel Platten)

Within seconds, Mara had grasped the entire attention of everyone in the crowd with her hypnotic body movements. She wiggled and writhed, and slid up and down the pole in front of her. By the time she had finished, Mara was being showered with money and men all around her were clapping and whistling.

When she stepped down from the stage, Maras attention was caught by the hansom man from earlier smirking at her. "You're going to be a real money maker for me aren't you?" He spoke softly under his breath.

Mara cocked an eyebrow at him in question. "Ah, Mog didn't tell you did she, well in that case," The man held out his hand for mara to shake. "I'm Mark Rosí, the owner of this club."

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