3. The Twins

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On the 18th January 2022 Chantelle Courntie Henrí and Cerold Neal Henrí were born.
It was a long and painful childbirth. Much alike Raphael.

Chantelle was a beautiful ish baby girl with vibrant ginger wisps of hair. Cerold was a podgy little runt, with massive wavy ginger curls.

"They are so beautiful!" Mara cried, massive blobs of water cascading down her tomato reddened face.

Tammy the nurse nodded with a slight grimace "They are just so beautifully...ginger?" She made a feeble attempt at complementing the two babies, who in reality strongly resembled small round goblins with ginger wigs badly fitted onto their oversized potato scalps.

"So babes are you gonna do the DNA test then, bod I heard what happened to that Flafeal boy on the news, but if you ask me Astom got what he deserved!" Tammy chattered away.

"Umm Tams, do you mean Raphael, and yes, I am planning on getting a DNA test, I need to know for certain if my babies are related to that vile needs to be tossed in the bin Austin!" Mara groaned.

"How long will it be until I am able to leave this hospital like prison cell with my beautiful babies?" Mara asked after a second of thought.

"Why would you ever want to leave Ra Ra, I can get you everything you need right here... winky face..." Tammy replied, saying winky face at the same time as attempting to wink unsuccessfully as her false lashes won the great war against her eyelids and simultaneously forced both of her eyes shut.

"Shut up Tammmmms," Mara threw a pillow at Tammy jokingly, "You know Bartie can't be left without company for too long or else she will start eating her fur off again! And what have I told you about that nickname, you make me sound like a bloody Stripper!!!"

"Umm sweetie as much as I would love to talk about your future career as a stripper, could you please pull my eyes open for me?"
"GENTLY!" Tammy exclaimed as Mara began to tug on the thick black falsies attached to Tammy's eye lids.

"Tams this is the third time today that your eyes have been forcefully taken away from their job by your lashes! They get thicker and longer each day!

"Shhhhhhh let it be Babs, beauty is pain."

Mara rolled her eyes but continued working in the job of untangling the lashes and separating the lids.
She had gotten used to doing this ever since Tammy was in the middle of taking her blood last week, when all of a sudden she could no longer feel her arm and blood was squirting everywhere like an overactive ketchup bottle.
So, whilst another nurse rushed in to stop the bleeding, Mara, with her one good arm had been left to the job of literally opening Tammys eyes to prevent any more accidents.

Once Mara had finally successfully separated Tammys eyelids, she was once again interrupted from her attempts to relax by a duck like squaller.

"My beautiful baby boy!" Mara cried as Cerold caterpaulted himself onto his sister, the perpetrator of the sound that had previously startled Mara. Chantelle continued to angrily groan/squeak/project as Cerold attempted to suffocate her with his wrinkly, translucent, ginger toes.

Tammy went over and separated back into their own cribs as Mara was still newly post partum and couldnt really move in more than a crab like waddle.

Mara frowned as she looked longingly over at her hideous spawn.
"Look," Tammy said, "Give it a week and we will get you home boo."

"Thanks Tams, I'm just so scared, sometimes I feel like my life is a really bad fan fiction being written by a mentally deranged 13 year old, and it's hard you know, doing all of this alone." A throbbing tear dribbled down Maras face as she spoke.

"You aren't alone," Tammy started to tear up too as she wispered, "You have me."

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