5. Rugberth and Bartholomew

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Nearly a week into being at home, Mara heard a crashing from Neal's old room, which she hadn't dared to enter since arriving home, scared for what she would discover in there, emotionally and physically.

As she walked over to the door a large figure stumbled out and the scent of stale pot filled her nostrils.
"Rug?" Mara asked, now seeing the figure in the bright light with dishevelled hair and cherry red eyes.

"Whoooaahh," Rugberth stumbled out, "Where's Ne?" He slurred

"Neal's dead Rug, he's been gone for nearly a year how long have you been in this room?"

"Huh," Rug stopped and thought for a second, "I think I'm going to head out, tell Neal I used up his emergency weed stash."

Mara rolled her eyes at Rugberth's complete disregard of everything that she had said, deciding not to bother to try and explain anything else to him.

"Bartie!!!" He suddenly screamed "We're leaving!!"
Bartholomew came slobbering over to him and rubbed her belly rolles all over Rug's legs.

'She's such a whore' Mara thought looking at her dog with blatant disgust.

"Wait a second, you aren't taking my dog, I know you were my brother's best friend and all, but this is my house now!"

Rug completely ignored everything that Mara had said, him and Bartie walking past her out of the house both wagging their buttocks, not bothering to shut the gate behind them.

Looking around, Mara sighed and walked back upstairs to her bedroom, not even acknowledging the fact that her dog had literally walked out on her without even glancing backwards.

Knowing that the twins would be up from their nap soon, Mara belly flopped onto her bed and grabbed her phone off of her nightstand. She looked through all of her messages and noticed that there was an extreme amount of spam from an unknown number.


Mara gasped as she worriedly took in the most recent message. As she scrolled back through all of them she noticed that they had been going on for months. All of the messages vague and cryptic, always somewhat threatening. Even though Mara knew she should be disgusted and terrified, she could instead feel her loins heat and her beaver dampen.

Fantasising about the good old days with her beloved Raphael, her hand slipped into her underwear and she started to rub herself aggressively.

Not feeling it, she got up and walked over to her desk, rummaging through the top drawer, instantly finding what she was looking for. Lying back on her bed, Mara turned on one of the many vibrators Tammy had 'gifted' her with and started rubbing it up and down her slick folds.

One Mara had finished with her naughty activities, she barely got to lie back and relax for five minutes when she heard Cerolds ungodly screeching.

Shoving a pillow over her face and screaming, Mara let all of her frustrations out and allowed herself to take a few deep breaths before heading downstairs to care for her children.

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