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                           𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎彡

          𝐈 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐊 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐍, but i know i'm alive. my heart beating, and my blood rushing through my body. i can feel my cold fingers slowly move, but the feeling won't wear off.

having no idea where i am makes nothing better. as my eyes adjust to the eerie white lights, the looks of an asylum slap me in the face. it's disturbing in a way, everything is white.

there's no trace of color, no indication anyone has been in here, no feeling. i feel like i've gone insane. the padded walls don't do any good either.

one thing i know is that it's freezing, my thin blanket doesn't do much. attempting to sit up is shot down by the pain of my waist. it burns, the fire-like feeling mock g up my body quickly.

looking down, bandages are wrapped carefully on me, the person who wrapped them did so with care. taking a peek under the blanket let's me know i'm naked, bear to the cold air and the sheets under and on top of me. i hold the blanket tighter.

i never undressed myself, so someone had to come and undress me for some apparent reason.
laying my head on my pillow, i can feel the cleanness of my body when repositioning it. raising my hand to my hair, it's soft. i can run my hand through it without feeling the knots.

just like how much care was put into my bandages, the same thought was put in for the sanitary of my body.

the thought of being naked to someone i don't know makes me feel dirty, i don't like it.

"hello?" my voice fills the hallow room, it sounds raw and ragged. my throat feels achy, i want water. i have no idea how long i slept for, the ache in my body can't help.

i push myself upwards despite the pain coming from my lower half. a groan slips my lips as i rest my head against the uncomfortable metal headboard.

"is anyone there?" i call out louder, but only met with silence. getting more frustrated as time goes on without any sign of help, i take in the room. next to my bedpost, planted on top is a vase with daisies. they're yellow, the only thing that fills the white room with any life and color.

i reach over, carefully not to let the covers on the bed slip off before i grab hold of the vase. with the little strength i seem to have left, i throw it hard.

hitting the fragile art against a wall as it shatters, the loud crash is harsh against my ears. the dirt scattered along the floor, glass from the vase being hidden underneath it. it echos for a second in the room, then met with silence again.

the door opens after what seems an eternity. a man walks in, the door slamming behind him, reacting me to hold the blanket tight around me.

he's not familiar, it makes me happy for a second, knowing he might've not seen what occurred earlier. but confused and upset, i don't know who he is and what he will do to me.

he's tall, blonde, has glasses, and holding a clipboard. he's nothing anything special, nothing that would've had me embarrassed to share a room with him. he's average looking to put it simple. he seemed to have been in a rush to get here. his hand runs through his locks, trying to catch his breathe before facing me.

"sorry for the wait," wearily dragging a chair in the corner of the room close to the bed, giving a bit of space in between us.

"how are you a fee—"

"where am i, where is james?" i interject, our eye contact breaking as he takes a black pen from his pocket and starts writing onto a paper with his clipboard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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