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𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 seeming is kenji was finally quiet. i've since taken out the music tape, since the same three songs were on repeat and it had gotten annoying.

james is still knocked out cold, but the rest of us are still awake. adam looks even worse then he did earlier, his body still shaking even after juliette tried to cover him up with any warmth that was available to us.

"rome-does this car have a heater?"

"yeah, it's really shitty though, i'm sorry."

"it's fine-" she looks at kenji from the rear view mirror. "-how much longer until we're there?"

"not too much."

"have you seen anyone that might be following us?" juliette mutters, a frown now evident on her face. "no." kenji pauses. "somethings not right, i don't know why no one had noticed a car driving out this late." now it's my turn to pause as i sigh, eyebrows furrowing at the thought of having to be in a chase.

"i don't know what it is, but the tracker serum won't work. i don't get it, it's either not working or they don't give a shit about me." juliette has probably putting the pieces together as she goes quiet for a minute. "you slept in a shed the night you ran away, right?"

"yeah, why?"

"where was it?" a pause fills the car as kenji try's to remember what occurred a few days prior. "it was a huge field, it was weird. crazy shit growing in that place, i almost ate this fruit looking thing until i realized it smelled like ass."

i let out a small short in his answer. he notices and lets a smirk ghost his face for a second. "it was an empty field? like totally abandoned?"


"the nuclear field." adam interjects, realization in his voice. "if we're on the field right now, i'm jumping out of the car." i respond, my grip on the steering wheel tightening. "holy crap, so i could've died? and i didn't?"

"but then how did they find us? how did they find whe-" i feel like i've heard this conversation about a million times, i'm starting to feel bad for kenji by how much they're interrogating him. it's for a good reason, i would be scared as well if i were each one of their positions.

when adam and juliette seem to be too tired to question him more, a silence fills the car once more. me personally, i loved car rides.

i loved sitting in the back seat and watching the window change senories while my parents talk random stuff, mostly it being whatever topic is on the radio.

i loved played music especially, but i never got to play music i had particularly liked since my parents always hogged the bluetooth. they absolutely adored 80's music, and don't get me started on michael jackson.

i don't think there was ever a day without music of his not playing. whenever i would go home and play any song by him on my record player, it gives me a sense of déjà vu.

truth be told, i haven't played any of his songs for about a few months after the incident. i couldn't bring myself too, it hurt so much. so so much.

humming 'billie jean' as i use my fingers to make a quiet slight beat of the song on the wheel. kenji catches on.

"billie jean?"

i look at him from the corner of my eye. "of course."

"michael jackson was amazing, remember when he used to lean while he was dancing." i laugh at the thought, i was always amazed by it when i was a kid. i never knew how he did it until my dad parents told me after i tried attempting the r and

Let the Sun Be Seen;  Kenji KishimotoWhere stories live. Discover now