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       𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐈 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 the more attention of soliders is brought to me, but they don't seem to care as they keep firing.

the feeling in my heart is the feeling ingrid probably had when she got shot.

it hurts. really hurts. i can't grasp that ingrid is gone. she's not coming back.

ingrid was basically my mother; took me in as one of her own. she was a kind soul. never judged anyone right off the bat, cared for peoples well-being rather than her own.

she didn't deserve it. anyone who had met her would agree.

and yet i can't move on, i need a few minutes. hours. days. years.

i can't seem to move away from here. instead of my body just covering ingrid, i'm laying on her. my head is to her chest, above the gunshot that ended her life.

my hair is getting soaked by the blood, baby hairs already staring to get sticky. i'm sobbing and screaming. hands holding onto her as if she's going to disappear.

my body won't allow me to get up, i'm clinging onto ingrid and won't let go.

her body is starting to get cold, or it's the breeze coming along my skin. i can't tell, i don't want to either.

if her body gets cold, it means she's officially dead. i've seen deaths of my parents, but i never saw their body afterwards. them desperately trying to do or say anything as a goodbye, the moment their body finally lets go.

i don't want to ever experience it again.

and i won't. just like ingrid, i've accepted i'm dying here, with her. i don't care if i get shot.

like mother like daughter.

when the soliders catch the rebels, the dead bodies will probably be burned; to make it look like none of this disaster happened.

james might be upset, but it'll hurt less if i get ruled out as 'missing', not shot and left to die.

dying with ingrid seems like the best outcome of death there is too be offered.

"ROMEO!" someone's yelling. "we need to go-like right now." i don't want to go. "get-" they start tugging on my waist, as an attempt to get me off ingrid "-up, we have to leave."

when they realize they can't pull me off my by waist, they grab my hands that's holding ingrid tightly and start to remove my grip from her. "romeo, im sorry that someone died, but we can't have you die with them."

they manage to take my hold off her. they twist my body around to see who they are.

it's kenji. he's in front of me; on his knees to match myself, also kneeing.

his face looking like how we first met. bloody and beat up. the moment our eyes meet, he looks like he has an understanding of how i feel. he knows i'm going though grief. he knows how grief feels.

"are you okay?" i stare back while blinking slowly. he's still holding up my body as he makes sure i don't have any injury's.

"can you get up?" my lips purse. i can't find the words to respond to him. he looks around before getting up, and pulls me along with him. i fall back down the moment my legs are standing straight.

"shit-i might need to carry you." he pulls me up again, one of his arms grabbing mine, and shifts it so im holding onto his shoulder.

i'm limp, i try and try to force my legs to move. they won't.

i feel pathetic.

"THAT'S THEM! HE HAS THE GIRL!" i manage to move my head back over kenjis shoulder to whoever was yelling at someone. it's us.

it's soldiers, running fast towards us. guns drawn, about to shoot.

the girl? who's the girl? did i do anything?

kenji who heard them before me, picks up my legs and starts running before i can process that we're on the move. my arms quickly find its way into anything i can hold onto, i use his shirt.

he rounds the corner and runs into an alleyway. "i need you to be quiet for a minute, try to breathe as quietly as possible."

"what? their gonna see us-" he stops my sentence by using his hand to cover my mouth.


oh shit. i look up with wide eyes, kenji looking forward. he looks down for a second to nod his head. i nod back hesitant.

"they went down here." two soldiers come out from the corner me and kenji previously ran from. the more they get closer to us, the more i hold onto kenjis arm.

he responds by giving my shoulder a squeeze, a sign it's going to be alright.

ingrid used to do that, it was our little thing.

the sound of breathing going still is replaced with the boots of soldiers running, the guns on their holster clanking together as he jog closer to us.

"are you blind bill? they're not here."

we are here. and they're standing right in front of us. how come they haven't shot us yet? my palms are sweaty, kenjis hand is still to my mouth, we're both holding our breaths.

"he's going to kill us if we don't find them. let's check over there." the two soliders go back around to where they came from.

when their footsteps start to sound faint, kenji looses his grip and slowly puts me down until i'm on my feet. he takes deep breath in and out. i interrupt his from taking another one.

"what the fuck was that?"

"what was what?"

"that, how didn't they see us?"

"you'll find out later doll, we have to go to adam and pysco chick first-" he pauses for a second to look at me, "-you can walk right?"

"yea, i think so." i take a few steps. i feel like a baby who's learning how to walk for the first time.

"yeah, i'm fine. let's go."


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IM SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER i'm so freaking busy..but tell me why my bsf found my wattpad and READ MY FIC OUT LOUD TO ME

Let the Sun Be Seen;  Kenji KishimotoWhere stories live. Discover now